Plan for the worst

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You just finish burying your friend. Walk off after standing there in rage for an hour.

Skip time 2 years your at a gas station buying some chips and dip. Look on tv and see that Diane is running for governor.
You sit there in carelessness. How she lived a good life while you were sitting in the shit growing up. Lost the only family you ever had.
At least she came to help. It was only you two that was at Ronald's funeral. So you dont try to get mad over it. After all. She's been a friend since you were kids. The only one you had

A few hours later you get a call from a strange number.

You: Hello?

???: Hello is this (y/n)?

You: Yeah who this?

???: I'm calling for Diane foxington. She wanted to speak to you. Want to to tell her your on the phone?

You: Uhh yeah sure.

???: Ok hold for just a minute.

The caller puts you on hold. A few minutes go by and you put the phone on speaker and set it down waiting.

Diane: (y/n)?

You: hey. What's up. Heard your running for governor. Sounds good.

Diane: Yeah I'm not calling to talk about that. I'm calling cause someone hired me to go on this expedition.

You: Ok. What for what you doing

Diane: I'm on my way to pick you up. I'm taking you with me.

You: WHOAH. Wait a minute. What the hell are we doing

Diane: we're going to Mexico. Pack something up. We're gonna be gone for a while.

The flash back ends.

You: holy shit. That's what happened.

You go home and call Diane.

You: Hey. Uuuuu is it cool if me and the guys come over. And tarantula.

Diane: They're at marmalade's mansion. I'm on my way there now.

You: Hold up. I'm coming along.

Diane: Ok just hurry up.

You get ready and then see her waiting outside for you.

Diane: Hop in we don't have a lot of time.

You two proceed to leave your house.

You: What going on. Weren't the others in jail.

Diane: Yeah after this whole thing about gaveling a change of heart he felt that they could be changed. So that's what they're doing now.

You: Ok.

You two sit there quietly for a moment until you break the silence.

You: I kinda miss the time when we were kids.

Diane: So you do remember. You really miss that. Didn't you and mr Ronald struggle back then. I mean no disrespect but it didn't look easy dealing with all that trauma as a kid.

You: Yeah but we made the most of it. The little bit that you have. The more valuable that thing is. I liked coming over to your house then. It was fun.

Diane: Yeah. Especially when you found that bullet shell in the park. My mom went nuts after that.

You: Really. What happened?

Diane: Well when we went back after dropping you off she told me to be careful of where you take me. She knew that you were like the brother I never had so she didn't try to keep us away from each other. But she did want us to keep our distance of your area.

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