The Shadows Reach (Angie Bouchard)

Start from the beginning

You were messy, unrefined, everything Angelique adored seeing on you. Your nice, noble clothes were getting blood dripped down the front and you clearly didn't care. That sent a rush of power to her head. The first bag was barely in your grasp before it was drained and she presented another before you cold realign your target to her.

This bag was sealed, but you'd gotten the gist. Blood still splattered your clothed chest as you tore into it, but you really couldn't seem to care. The tearing, dry windpipes you still instinctively used rubbed against each other, causing agony, all day. Now, that pain was soothed. The blood which had once made your human form ill now felt like the coolest, softest, richest dessert to calm a boiling stomach, achey limbs, and a spinning mind. It all came down to this. Your new everything. You wished you could kill the witch. And it was nearly an option when the bag of perfect medicine was gone. Time had slowed while you were imbibing, but it didn't feel like it had been long at all. You were still in such pain and hoped to take it out on the bane of your existence. Only, there was another bag. You feared this would be the rest of your life. This time, you eyed the revealed sun-rays determinedly.

A hand caught your eye and you jerked away, an involuntary growl rumbling in your chest. Despite it being an accident, you were very pleased.

Angelique laughed again, throatier, deeper. Your eyes shut and your chest warmed. Damn, you wanted to dive into those sun-rays. That very hand attached to that very witch, clamped onto your shoulder.

Your chest rumbled again. You turned your chin down, pointed it at her hand, and your mouth left the empty bag to snap at her like a dog. You'd been gone from civilized society so long. Like apparently everything else, your actions only amused the witch. She pulled back in the nick of time, meeting your dark gaze all too easily. She looked at you the way you used to look at her, or how she used to look at your brother. It broke your heart and you slumped against the wall you'd been thrown against, away from Angelique. Your eyes never left her, but the empty bags in your grip suffered for your emotions.

While Angie appreciated having your attention, she couldn't bare to leave you in the pained state she was sure you were in. The fact that she put you there was irrelevant. She'd been upset at the time, with your brother, but that wasn't the point. Angie knelt before you, causing you to shuffle further against the wall. She held out another blood-bag, though not to you. She removed the clamp and tube cover - held it out to you calmly. Like trying to explain evolution to a wild animal. "Drink from the spout." She held the tube as if to show you. "No teeth."

Her French accent was gone. Who knew what else? A part of you mourned it, but another pushed such humanity far away. You wished to bite her, but instead took the bag of blood. It started to flow up the tube and eventually dripped onto a started to flow up the tube and eventually dropped onto a stone floor. You wouldn't allow anymore to go to waste and listened to your maid. You were sucking every drop you could down, but the spout limited you. You examined the room around you while trying to drain the bag. This method was cleaner, though slower, and you were a hair from tearing in when a hand touched tours. You growled again.

"There are plenty more I have for you. I won't let you go as hungry as this again. I promise." She smiled wide, with too much teeth. It felt predatory, but you felt more so. "Try to slow down." Angelique moved from her knees to her hip and slid closer to you. Another growl, this one singular and simply a warning. She didn't drop her smile. If anything, the one in her eyes brightened. "Taste it. The curse isn't all bad."

Slow intakes, one mouthful at a time was... better, you begrudgingly admitted. It was like euphoria coated your tongue. It sang down your throat after you swallowed. You relaxed against the wall, consuming three more in much the same fashion. Eventually, your eye's slipped shut and a part, of you relaxed. She would not feed you to merely shut you back in the box. The light of the room lit up the backs of your eyelids to allow you a comfortable rest. You didn't notice Angelique making her way closer to you until you felt her a hair away from you. Your growl returned with a vengeance, though Angelique was very unafraid. She simply produced another bag and slowly moved her hand up to slide into your hair. You kept growling, but did nothing when there was a blood tube in your mouth. Angelique seemed to sense that and used it to her advantage, as she seemed the type to do nowadays. She brought her hand down through your hair and repeated the action. Your growl's origin moved to the back of your throat, sounding more deafening and threatening while Angelique continued on taking it to mean your aggression was fading. It had not, nor had your rage. That did not prevent you, apparently, from relaxing your muscles.

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