Yeji - OOO nice to meet you *smile*

Yn - Hmm same here *fake smile*

Jimin - Yn can you sit there I will talk to her and then we will go home or you can eat something if you are hungry *cold*

Yn - hmm..

I really don't want to talk to him so I came at a corner at sit there I was looking at him he was literally smiling at her he never do that he never leave me alone
Does he like her maybe she is pretty
and look at me nono yn don't think that you are also beautiful ..
..but *sigh*maybe jiue was right I am really chubby but I am trying to loss my weight ashiiiii
Let just go home then I will tell him ...

1 hour later ~~~

Ahhh I am getting bored here and he is still talking to that girl OOO god I wanna go home

1 hour later~

I was just resting my head in table but suddenly I heard Jimin calling me

Jimin - Yn let's go home it's late *cold*

I didn't answer him and just get up and walk towards exit ...

I sit on car and jimin came and sit beside me and ask..

Jimin - What happened ...

Yn - .....

I didn't answer him and look out of the window..

Jimin - baby if you are angry on me because I didn't spend time with you
So I am sorry ...

Yn -......

I didn't answer him so he just sigh and start driving .. after sometime we came home and I didn't say anything and came inside the house and go to our room and change my clothes..

 after sometime we came home and I didn't say anything and came inside the house and go to our room and change my clothes

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I came outside and saw jimin already in bed scrolling his phone He has also change his clothes

I came outside and saw jimin already in bed scrolling his phone He has also change his clothes

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Jimin - Baby...

Yn - What ...

Jimin - Let's cuddle *pout*

I just roll my eyes and pick up my blanket ..
I was going towards the door but suddenly he grab my wrist and said

Jimin - Where are you going ..

Yn - To sleep ..

Jimin - Where ..

Yn - Couch ..

Jimin - Why huh you always sleep with me ..

Yn - I don't. Want to sleep with you ...

While saying this I started to walk but he Stop me and said

Jimin - baby..

Yn - What ..*trun around*

Jimin - take this too *showing the pillow*

I look at him in shock like how can he do that he is giving me a pillow and indirectly he is saying me get out. ..
I harshly take the pillow and open the door and slam the door..

How it was tell me in comments 💜
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Sorry for grammatical mistakes 😩💜✨


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