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Tw: Mentions of abuse, alcoholism, sexual assault, manipulation/gaslighting, and attempted rape

Aidan stared down at his hands the entire car ride to Jace's apartment, Lauren and Rob sat in the backseat having their own conversation.

Jace noticed at the corner of his eye and grabbed one of Aidan's hands and held it while he continued to drive.

He was wanting to ask Aidan something, but he didn't want to say it outloud because he didn't know if his parents knew. So he gave Aidan's hand a slight squeeze to get his attention, Aidan looked at him and Jace glanced back.

Mouthing the words "Do you feel little?" Aidan shook his head no and looked down at Jace's hand, continuing to hold it, starting to feel safe.

The four of them got back to Jace's apartment, Aidan was still out of it, quiet, fiddling with his fingers, being jumpy whenever he would think that he saw Gage.

He hated it, Jace knew he hated it too. Another thing is that Aidan's mom, Lauren noticed the way he was acting, she knew that this wasn't her happy, hyper son that would rant on about music and movies that he's interested in.

This was a different Aidan.

"Hey, it's ok. We're home now," Jace mumbled quietly for Aidan to hear, he shook his head and the four of them went inside. Aidan and Jace walked to the kitchen, Lauren sat down on the couch in the living room, and well – Rob went to the bathroom.

Aidan was looking out of the kitchen window when Jace carefully placed his thumb on Aidan's chin and his index finger underneath his chin, slowly turning his head to make him look at him.

"Why don't you go talk to them, I'll be in here letting you guys have your privacy-" Jace said quietly, Aidan shook his head and grabbed Jace's wrist "I can't Jace, I can't tell them"

"Hey.. if you need me I will be in the kitchen, ok?" Aidan nodded while he walked into the living room where his mom was, he smiled faintly at her and sat down next to her.

Aidan didn't know how to start a conversation with it going about how his boyfriend treats him like shit and he's been lying to his own parents about being happy.

It was quiet between Aidan and Lauren for a moment, at least until Lauren clicked her tounge quietly and turned to him. "Aidan?" she started softly, he wanted to look at her but he knew that if he did he'd more than likely break down in tears.

"Can I ask you something?"

And that's where it felt like that Aidan's heart skipped a beat, he swore that his heart jumped at that question. He already knew where his mom was going with this and that she knew.

He nodded slightly and tried to look at her, "If you're with Gage than why are you here?" she asks, Aidan spaced out in his thoughts. He wanted to say that they were over and Jace was only a friend helping him out.

"It's.. complicated" Aidan answered, "What do you mean? You know that you can talk to me, I'm worried about you. Both dad and I, I can tell you've changed. Where did our happy boy go?"

You could see that even Lauren had tears starting to form in her eyes, it was rare, but Aidan hated to see his mother cry. "I haven't been honest with you or dad" Aidan choked out, feeling that lump start to form in his throat.

"Gage has a drinking problem-" he started, his hands began to tremble more, so he wrapped his arms around himself to stop it. "And h-he.." for some reason Aidan couldn't say, he was afraid of Lauren not believing him.

She pulled Aidan into a side hug, he tensed up slightly and tried to keep himself from crying. "It's ok, you're ok. Just tell me when you're ready" Lauren responded quietly, trying to hold back tears of her own as well.

Lauren prepared herself for the amount of possibilities that Aidan could tell her right now, she knew that in front of him she had to be a strong person for him.

A strong mother.

And when Aidan wasn't around, then that would be her time to break down for whatever the possibility is.

After a couple minutes of silence Aidan spoke, still being hugged by Lauren. Which he didn't want her to let go now, he was leaned against her while she kept her arms around him.

He hesitated, but Aidan pulled the sleeves up of his shirt, on both his arms he had bruises. They were almost the shape of fingers, which they were. Lauren looked at his arms and saw the markings on him, along with a couple scratches.

But she waited for Aidan to tell her instead of bombarding him with questions about what happened, Lauren could even tell that he was hesitant to talk.

"Whether he's drunk or not he hurts me and yells at me, he.." Aidan still couldn't say it, he was afraid of not being believed even though he knew his parents weren't like that. But Gage's words kept swirling around in his head.

"They won't believe you"

Jace watched from the kitchen, he was upset that Aidan was having to go through this. He didn't deserve it, he deserved none of it, Aidan was too sweet for a cruel world like this.

"He what? It's ok, Aidan" his mom whispered in his ear, still holding him like he was a little kid again. "The first time he got really drunk he was out with friends, I waited for him, and waited. But I went to bed because I gave up.."

Aidan paused for a moment, so he could at least prepare himself which he needed the most. "And he came home.. he laid next to me saying he needed me but I said no-" he began to get quieter and tear up, "-it's happened more than once" Aidan finished beginning to cry again.

Lauren held him closer, like he was going to slip away from her. "Did he?-" she whispered, her voice cracked, wanting to cry because she couldn't do anything sooner. "He a-almost did" Aidan paused and let out a shaky cry, "Once, the first time. But he gave up"

She hugged him as tight as she could without hurting him, she didn't care how much Aidan was going to cry right now, he deserved to cry, he had every reason to cry. Aidan had turned himself around and buried his face into her neck, Lauren let out a few quiet sobs herself.

When Rob came out, he saw that something was wrong with his wife and son. He was about to check on them until Jace stopped him by putting his hand on his shoulder, "They need a minute. But I'll tell you what happened" he whispered while glancing over at the two on the couch and back at Rob.

He nodded, glancing at his wife and kid. Wondering what the hell happened that his happy kid is so very upset about.

Misunderstood||Aidan Gallagher (Age regression)Where stories live. Discover now