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It was 7 am and Aidan had been awake since 3:12 am to be exact, only because at that time he heard and felt Gage's arms wrap around his chest, pulling him as close as he possibly could.

You would think it's a cute moment, a couple cuddling each other in bed. But Aidan and Gage weren't the couples to get along, for starters, Aidan is kind and sweet to others.

Now for Gage, well he's a two-faced person. When he's around other people with Aidan, he's the sweet loving boyfriend towards him.

Behind closed doors, where no one's around. Usually, at their apartment, he's a person you never thought he'd be toward Aidan.

They both had been a normal happy couple, up until Gage had discovered alcohol and started to drink. Causing him to become the cruel person he is now.

For the past 10 minutes, Aidan had been trying to get out of Gage's grip. It was crazy to Aidan how even when Gage was asleep he was still as strong as when he was awake.

It didn't stop Aidan from trying to get up though, eventually though Gage started to gain somewhat consciousness and felt Aidan trying to get up.

He had almost stopped Aidan's movements immediately just putting his hand around Aidan's throat, the only reason that Aidan froze was for many reasons.

But 1 was because he knew that Gage would strangle him without hesitation, and 2 is for the near future.

"Stop fucking moving," Gage had mumbled into Aidan's ear, he had rolled his eyes at his response and bit the inside of his cheek.

To be fair, Aidan didn't know why he was trying to get up. In the back of his mind though, he knew why. Aidan didn't want to be anywhere near Gage, especially not after he came home drunk.

Which is one of the reasons why Aidan had been awake for the past 4 hours.

After a moment of stillness, Aidan held Gage's pinky with the hand that remained on his throat. "I'll make that toast that I made the other morning that you liked-" Aidan said quietly, and obvious fear in his voice.

There was a slight groan of annoyance that had come from Gage, he let go of Aidan and turned to his other side with his back to Aidan.

"Whatever makes you shut the hell up," Gage replied, still half asleep. Aidan sighed while he got up out of bed and walked to the kitchen.

Aidan stood in the middle of the kitchen, at first he thought about making himself and Gage something for when he actually woke up. Instead, though, Aidan decided not to.

He knew that it would just be a waste of food for both, because, for 1, Aidan lost his appetite a lot, and he noticed it had become a habit of not eating.

And 2, Gage would always choose alcohol over food, even if he asked for something. Which is why Aidan just stopped cooking altogether, here and there he'd make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

But that was it.

Cooking wasn't the only thing that Aidan had stopped doing, he stopped doing a lot of hobbies he loved doing.

He quit acting for God's sake, he quit making music, and Aidan had practically shut himself out from the world.

It's like he had disappeared from the world, and all that remained of him was a ghost who was seen sometimes. But not as often anymore, once he had quit his entire career, people forgot about him.

Misunderstood||Aidan Gallagher (Age regression)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora