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Tw: Mentioning of sexual assault

It was the middle of the night and Aidan had been trying to call Gage for the past hour to see where he was, as much as there were times where he hated Gage.

Aidan still had a small peice of his heart care and love for him. But he always hated whenever he'd drink too much, unfortunately that became a habit of Gage's.

By the time it was 12:19 am Aidan gave up trying to stay up and waiting on Gage, so instead of waiting Aidan went to bed not thinking anything of it.

Around the time that it was 2:41 am, Gage had come home drunker than all of the other times he had gotten this shit faced.

Everything had been a complete blur to Gage, it was a surprise that he even got to the bedroom that was in the back of the apartment they lived in.

But the moment that he walked into that bedroom, knowing that Aidan was asleep, nothing would be the same between the 2 after that night.

The drinking was already bad enough, but theres an extent where you need help. And in Gage's case, he did, no fucking denial.

The relationship went more down hill than it already was with a simple kiss to the neck that was told to stop.


Aidan sat in the living room again that day, but this time there were people who were "invited" over by Gage.

It had also been the same people that were out with Gage that night when it happened, the only reason Aidan knew that was because one of the guys said something about the last time they saw each other.

A guy and his girlfriend had come over, along with another girl who was by herself but also a friend of Gage. "Something isn't right about any of them" Aidan thought to himself.

He had his moments where he didn't trust anyone in the room, even with the people he did trust. But right now, that was no one in the room.

"Is this your boyfriend, Gage?" the guy asked, Gage looked over Aidan who seemed to be either lost in his thoughts or ignoring everyone. "Yeah, that's Aidan-" he replied thinking Aidan would pay attention.

But Aidan just sat there with his head slightly down and fidgeting with his fingers, he picked at the band-aid on his hand knowing that he didn't necessarily need it.

At the same time though, it was either the mood, the people, something that kept bringing Aidan back to that horrid night.

He just had that feeling like something was going to happen.


For the rest of that night, Aidan hadn't slept, he was scared too. He was scared that Gage was going to  something else to him, for the first time he wished that Gage would have just come in to yell or hit on him like usual.

But this, he had no clue this would even happen. Yet Gage even think about doing the actions he did, but Aidan had blamed himself for it.

Misunderstood||Aidan Gallagher (Age regression)Where stories live. Discover now