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Aidan had woken up scared and his hands, maybe his body was shaking. He looked around seeing that Gage was no where around, and another thing was he fell asleep in the living room.

Another thing that Aidan realized was that it was 2:17 pm, last he remembered it was around 8 something this morning.

He got up from the couch while still rubbing his eyes and walking to the bedroom to grab his phone, when he came in he saw Gage about to walk out as he was about to come in.

"Sorry.." Aidan mumbled looking at him, when Aidan went to walk by him Gage had grabbed his arm, stopping him. "You ok?" Gage asked letting go and turning to him.

He shook his head, "Wh- Why were you being nice to me?" Aidan asked, "You say that I do it for attention.. which you're right about," Aidan finished, lying in the end.

Gage had just shrugged while walking away, Aidan watched from the doorway and saw him going into the kitchen, a couple of seconds after he heard the refrigerator door open.

That only meant one thing.

Aidan sighed while he went into the room and sat on his side of the bed while grabbing his phone, he unlocked it to see that his mom had called earlier.

Clicking on the phone icon at the bottom of the screen, Aidan called his mom back. It rang a couple of times before she had answered.

"Hey mom-" Aidan smiled trying to sound like he was happy, when deep down he wasn't. "Hey, how have you been? It's like you never call anymore," Lauren joked over the phone.

Aidan chuckled nervously, knowing that it wasn't really a joke. But Lauren didn't know that, "Yeah uh.. I've been busy you know, still working on my album and lately I just haven't really um.."

He started to trail off in his sentence, now both of the lines being silent until Lauren said something.

"Aidan?" she said, he stood up while he put his other hand on his head while walking in circles in the room.

"I'm here, sorry.. can I call you back?" Aidan asked stopping in the middle of the room. "Yeah, call back when you can" she replied. "Love you, bye-" Aidan responded with before hanging up.

While Aidan put his phone away in his pocket he walked out of the room, he walked past Gage but didn't bother to even acknowledge him.

"What was that about?" Gage asked putting down his can of beer on the table, all that Aidan was able to do was watch him.

Sometimes he'd wonder what would happen if he got rid of all the alcohol in the apartment.

Aidan scoffed lightly and looked at him, "What's your game? Because you never try to acknowledge me like this, so tell me," Aidan spoke while putting his hands in his pockets.

They both stood there silently, staring at each other. There had been a time when something like this happened, a parallel, instead though they weren't a broken couple.

Gage was about put his hand on Aidan's shoulder but he had pushed him away before he was even close to touching him, "Don't touch me! I've told you this so many fucking times!"

Aidan's chest burned at the feeling he had, the memories of an awful night he knew that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

"Just.. leave me alone, please" Aidan said quietly before walking off back into the bedroom and shutting the door behind, Gage had stood at the door while Aidan on the other side sat slouched over crying in his lap.

He had blamed himself even though he hadn't done anything wrong, his cry was that painful choking sob where at times you would have to gasp for air.

Even then, the gasping for air kind didn't do anything to get the guilt out. Aidan had nothing to feel guilty about though, the only reason he felt like this was because Gage made him feel that way.

But it was like a feeling Aidan had, like Gage was making him feel guilty about himself.

Aidan sat there continuing to cry, he'd wipe the tears from his cheeks but more of them would just run down from his eyes, "I'm sorry.. I-I'm sorry I'm not good enough, I'm sorry I make you mad, I-I'm sorry," he'd mumbled in between sobs.

He had no clue if Gage was there listening there on the other side, when really Gage was there. But he had left before Aidan's "apology" that he was saying.

"I deserved it l-like you said, and I'm sorry I act different when you yell at me.. please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" Aidan continued on.

It was upsetting how the poor boy was apologizing for something he couldn't control and thinking that he did something wrong, he had been gaslighted so many times that it eventually built up.

Causing him to finally bust, and get what Gage always wanted to hear from Aidan. "An apology", but the only person who did deserve an apology was the boy having a breakdown alone in the bedroom, apartment for that matter.

At this point Aidan deserved more than an apology, he deserved so much more than this shitty person who's ruining his life and making him feel vulnerable.

He knew that he wasn't vulnerable, but he had convinced himself that he was, he had so many chances to call the police on Gage. Yet, he could never bring himself to do it.

Aidan had calmed himself down about 10 minutes later, right now he laid infront of the bedroom door with his knees still to his chest.

Only difference was that he was on his side now.

He had finally got the strength to sit up again and focus on his breathing, which he was able to steady easily. Aidan had no idea that Gage was gone.

Right now he didn't care if Gage could hear him practically screaming an apology he didn't deserve while crying hysterically in the room, and it's not like Aidan locked the door either when he did.

It's crazy you'll slowly tear your life apart just for that person who you thinks loves you as much as do you, when in reality it doesn't always go that way.

Does it?

What had felt like forever, Aidan had stood up from the floor but before he left the room he stood there for a moment just to make sure that he really was ok.

He opened the door and went to the bathroom now turning on the sink and cupping his hands underneath the facut with water filling in his palms.

When the water had hit his face after cleaning up he looked up in the mirror, staring at himself. Wondering "What or where did I go wrong?"

But once again, the guilt from Gage had slowly made it's way into his mind again. He sighed in annoyance because of it, before doing anything else he shut off the water and walked out of the bathroom.

Misunderstood||Aidan Gallagher (Age regression)Where stories live. Discover now