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When Jace had got to where Aidan was, Aidan had been sitting on the ground on some grass that would lead to a park.

Jace got out of the car and sped walked over to him, eventually crouching down to his level. "Aidan? Are you ok? Talk to me-" Jace had gone to reach for his hand but instead Aidan freaked out.

He realized that this whole time Aidan hadn't looked up at him once, "Aidan, it's just me. It's Jace," he reached for Aidan's hand again but this time Aidan didn't pull back like he did.

"I don't wanna go back, I don't want to-" Aidan started to sob quietly, Jace pulled him in for a hug and soon Aidan had wrapped his arms around Jace tightly.

Aidan didn't think that Jace would actually come for him, but he did. He was relieved because of it, but the only way he could show it was by crying in Jace's arms.

"Come on, I'll take you to my place for tonight," Jace said looking at Aidan, it had been the first time he saw Aidan's face since earlier.

Along Aidan's cheekbone was a bruise, it had been where he fell and hit himself. But Jace didn't know that, Aidan could tell that he was looking at his cheek and turned his head away.

"C-Can we go?" Aidan asked while standing up, Jace nodded while he stood up as well and then walked to his car.

They both got in and once they both had their seatbelts on Jace started to drive back where he lived.

The car ride was silent, you could tell that the mood was somber, not even the radio was on in the car.

Just the sound of passing cars and rubble being crushed into the ground by the cars that drove everyday, day in and day out.

Jace pulled into a parking lot where there were other cars around and parked alongside them, he looked over at Aidan seeing that he had fallen asleep.

No wonder it was so quiet.

He nudged Aidan's shoulder a little bit, trying to wake him up. "Aidan, we're here" Jace said softly, Aidan started to wake up and when he did at first he was confused as to why he was in the car.

But then remember what happened, Aidan looked over at Jace who immediately brought his hand away from him, "Sorry.." Aidan mumbled looking down before he got out of the car.

Aidan had followed Jace through a gate where you had to have a key to get to the apartment complexes, to be honest, those are the safer places to live. Which Aidan never thought of til now.

"Door number 5," Jace spoke outloud glancing back at Aidan who was quiet, but still following Jace. They stopped when they got to door number 5 and Jace took out his house keys, unlocking the door and opening it.

He looked at Aidan as a gesture to let him go in first, Aidan had gotten the hint and went inside while Jace shut the door behind him and locked the door again, turning back to Aidan afterwards.

"I don't really have any house rules, just 1, which is simple. Lock the door behind you if you leave or come in-" Jace smiled a little at him after finishing.

Aidan nodded slightly, "Ok.."

Jace walked in the living room and picked up a few things that he had left out, only reason for that, was well, when Aidan called him, in tears, barely able to speak clearly.

Aidan honestly felt stupid for calling Jace for help, he only met him barely 2 hours ago and here he was at Jace's apartment.

He felt ashamed and petty for it.

"Hey Aidan, you mind if I see your arm real quick? It's probably fine by now to take the cover off-" Jace said suddenly, making Aidan flinch a little at the sudden noise.

"Um yeah- that's fine," Aidan replied already walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch with Jace.

While Aidan turned to face Jace on the couch he slowly put out his right arm to Jace, he took the plastic cover, or whatever you want to call it off of his arm putting it off to the side.

Aidan smiled a little while he looked down at the tattoo on his arm, more because the guy he has a slight crush on did it.

But he also thought that Jace did really good for Jim even doubting him in the first place.

He heard Jace laugh quietly to himself, Aidan looked up at him and then he realized that he was now making direct eye contact with Jace.

Aidan quickly looked away, feeling his face start to heat up, he needed to get away for a second. "Where's your bathroom?" Aidan asked, trying to not make direct eye contact again.

"First door to your right down the hall," Jace answered, Aidan got up from the couch and went to the bathroom and shut the door.

For a moment Aidan had stood there with his back against the door, trying to process what had happened. But Aidan went back to that moment.

The moment where those 3 seconds felt like a minute, looking into Jace's blue eyes. Just the thought made Aidan start smiling like an idiot.

What Aidan didn't realize though, is that, that's the feeling you should get when you're in love.

Smiling so hard that your cheeks hurt, blushing almost every time you see them.

Love shouldn't involve being scared to sleep in the same bed as your partner, looking over your shoulder every 2 seconds, flinching, apologizing all the time, and not wanting physical touch from them.

To be honest, Aidan hadn't smiled this much before in what felt like a while. It had been about 8 months, maybe, when he was actually happy and not just pretending to be.

This was Aidan genuinely happy and himself.

A couple of minutes later, Aidan came out of the bathroom and went back into the living room only to see that Jace wasn't there anymore.

He looked around and didn't see him, but down the same hallway where the bathroom was, he saw a light on in the room and walked back down the hall.

In the room was Jace, he was making the bed but stopped when he saw Aidan. "I figured that you could have the bed and I'll sleep out on the couch-" he said.

To Aidan he thought that wasn't fair, "No, I'll just sleep in the living room. I don't care-" Aidan replied, while looking at Jace. But Jace just rolled his eyes playfully, shrugging.

"Ok then, the closet has blankets and I'll just give you one of my pillows to sleep with," Jace said grabbing a pillow off of the bed and tossing it in Aidan's direction.

Aidan smiled a little and grabbed the pillow then walked out of the room, he went to the living room and went into the closet that was there. When he opened it there was nothing but blankets.

He grabbed one and shut the closet door then laid on the couch, adjusting everything until he was comfortable to hopefully fall asleep without having to worry about anything.

Misunderstood||Aidan Gallagher (Age regression)Where stories live. Discover now