Even though he didn't like the thought, he had to come up with a plan in case Zarbon and the Ginyu Force were defeated. The power that Vegeta is displaying caused signs of concern, although he would never admit that.

Then the perfect idea struck him, if The Woman healed quickly, and Frieza is forced to 'get his hands dirty', he would do something similar to him as he had done with the King when he first captured her. Using the similar humiliation tactic, he'd bring her to the battle in the chains, make a dramatic entrance, and drop the bomb that he was going to kill Vegeta with his own Kind, that the last surviving person of his race would not be a Saiyan but as his own personal slave.

Frieza grinned evilly to himself after the plan formulated, it would devastate the Prince's pride, and it would be all the more entertaining to watch Vegeta finally crumble by Frieza's hands.

He foolishly didn't consider what The Woman's reaction to said plan would be, he was too intoxicated with himself to realize the ultimate fault of his plan, that she had already been planning to break free from his grasp, he believed she was too far gone to consider so.

The woman laid in the Recuperation Tank, healing from the immense wounds she had given herself. The liquid in the tank felt like a warm blanket wrapped around her body. Although she wasn't fully conscious, she was aware of her body and surroundings as she slowly came back together. She could feel the awesome power levels on the planet, sometimes feeling the planet slightly shake from their battles. When she felt Zarbon's energy signature fade it brought a small smile to her face, the army of Frieza was starting to crumble.

She knew the Ginyu Force had arrived because she could sense their immense power. She could feel Vegeta and the 2 people's energies from that village, the earthlings. It brought a slight feeling of hope knowing the Prince took her advice and found a team.

She felt another power level approaching the planet too, this energy intrigued her. It was different than any of the other ones on the planet, but similar to that of her's and Vegeta's. It was brimming with light and undiscovered depths— and it made the middle of her back tingle slightly.

"This energy.... Must belong to a Saiyan, but the power.. could this be what the Elders described?" She thought to herself

She was sure this Saiyan was either close or at the point of reaching Super Saiyan, and the hope that was already in her chest continued to swell.

As Xylias floated in the tank, many battles were fought on Planet Namek, she felt the ups and downs of the battles. Guldo was the first to die. Recoome then almost killed the Prince and two Earthlings, but that's when the Saiyan Stranger arrived.

Not long after she feels Recoome's energy fade, and Burter's energy next, they were almost spared by the Stranger but they were ultimately killed by Vegeta, if she was conscious she would've nodded her head in approval at the Prince. All that was left was the Captain and Jeice, which she felt their energy nearby, possibly guarding something or her for Frieza.

She didn't like the Ginyu Force, other than the Captain— she didn't see the power appeal in the other members. Ruthless mercenaries with no regard to anyone but their precious group, they cared more about fancy fighting poses and formation dances than their actual fighting techniques. They were pathetic warriors in her opinion, and she wished she could've seen their self image shatter under the hands of a Saiyan.

Frieza was far away from the ship, she felt a bit of his power from across the Planet, 'What's he doing? Going off somewhere while the Ginyu Force does his dirty work...?"

Her Saiyan fighting spirit was getting antsy, she wanted to fight along her fellow Saiyans against her cruel tormentors. But she had more to worry about, what Frieza was going to do with her when she finished healing.

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