Chapter 1: Saved by the bell

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Small rundown log-cabin

district: 1 Human sector: 12


"I'M UP! I'm up! Damn alarm clock."

"What'd the poor alarm clock do to you?"

I knew it wasn't the alarm clock that was pissing Isaac off, but I can't help but poke at the fact he was yelling at a clock.

"Leave me alone. It's too early for this shit." He grumbled back in response.

"Well good morning to you too, grumpy."

As much as I love him, I can admit his faults. One of them is that he is definitely not a morning person. Leaving him to his morning routine, I head down stairs to start breakfast and make sure the boys are up.

"Eli–if you don't give me my damn sock back RIGHT now, I'm going to beat your ass!"

Well, so much for a peaceful morning. At least the boys are already up and I can start on food. Venturing to the kitchen I notice the dishes from last night are still on the drying rack. I quickly put them up before pulling out 4 bowls and pouring the last of the oatmeal into them evenly. I should probably call for everyone, but I would rather have a moment of peace before the chaos most definitely ensues when they get in here. Grabbing one of the spoons off the table, I start on my oatmeal.

I'm not even halfway done with my food when the promised chaos occurs. Eli comes running out of his and his brother's room holding J's lucky sock above his head. J's not far behind, and as soon as he comes around the corner, he tackles his brother. At the same time, Isaac happens to be walking down the steps, not paying attention; he slips on the bottom step and falls face first into the path of his younger brothers. There was a rather large pile up of brothers at the bottom of the steps.

It took all I had not to burst out laughing, but for all I had, I couldn't keep the smirk off my face when I asked, "Everyone alive down there?"

I didn't really get a response to my question, more like a loud grunt, and what sounded suspiciously like "Bitch. No." But I'm not sure.

"Morning, baby." Isaac says after he gets up from the pile. He plants a kiss on my cheek.

"Ew. Keep the whole lovey dovey thing to yourselves."

I roll my eyes at J's statement and go back to eating, the boys gobble down their food before grabbing their stuff for work and heading out. Looking at the clock on the wall, I decide I have enough time to check the garden before heading out to my first patient of the day.

There wasn't much in the garden. Only a few cherry tomatoes and a cucumber. I check my herb garden next, but nothing is ripe enough to pick yet. I head back inside and put the vegetables in the basket on the table. I grab my pre-packaged herbs and head over to the Miller's house, making sure to lock the door behind me as I go.

It's a couple miles walk, but I keep a pretty quick pace, getting to their house in under 30 minutes. I gently knock on the door and wait for an answer. I don't have to wait long before the door is opened and I'm allowed in. The Miller's are a little better off than my family, and I don't see them often, but recently their youngest has been getting sick frequently, and they are worried it's going to get worse.

"Lilly's in her room, it's gotten worse... We don't know what to do, we've been following your instructions, but it doesn't seem to be working." Mr. Miller rambles as I get ready to go to Lilly's room.

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