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Jeon Jungkook couldn't stop fingering the tattered blue baby blanket he held in his hands.

It still held traces of Jungmin, his 3-year-old son's scent.

He shifted on the uncomfortable dining chair and glared at Agents Taemin and Bam from the Police Investigative Unit.

Both men looked at him impassively, He culled the urge to punch their faces.

Inflicting violence on these two would only delay Jungkook from his search.

"Do you know if Young had any enemies?" Agent Taemin, the older of the shifter agents asked.

His red-haired partner drank coffee as they studied his response.

"He doesn't have enemies, not that I'm aware of." Jungkook gritted his teeth.

His inner wolf scratched at the surface of his skin, eager to be released.

All three of them were in the dining area of the house where Young, Jungmin and Young's boyfriend Jinwoo lived in.

It felt tiny.

A cage that could barely hold him, Jungkook's gaze slid to the body in the living room, covered with a tarp. The tops of Young's sneakered feet peeked out.

Jungkook had an iron stomach.

He and his friends used to be enforcers for an enormous pack before they formed their own.

He had seen his fair share of violence but looking at Young's body made him feel nauseous.

It was a reminder that Jungmin was still out there probably lost, frightened or both.

He clenched his fists on his thighs, His human fingers lengthened to sharp claws.

Taking calming breaths, he willed the claws back.

He wished Hobi, his lead Alpha, was here. Hobi could soothe his vicious wolf.

Being around his fellow pack mates might stabilise him.

He came to Seoul, the town where Young and Jungmin lived with San but San was out there in the woods, searching for his son with the cops.

Jungkook sure as hell couldn't wait to join them.

If he was dealing with the local cops, they would question him at the station but this was a shifter murder. Of course, the assholes from the IU had to step in.

"You don't seem to know much about Young." Bam commented.

A tick formed in Jungkook's jaw. "Of course I don't, He's my ex-boyfriend for a reason."

If he didn't have an alibi, they'd probably slap silver-coated handcuffs on his wrists but he had been guarding a client when the murder happened.

His client, a prominent investor would support his story.

"Why don't you ask Jinwoo? He's Young's boyfriend." He pointed.

He and Hobi had taken multiple secret trips here to check on the small family he could never be a part of. It wasn't exactly stalking.

Jungkook had every right to see if Jungmin was being treated right by Young and Jinwoo's boyfriend of the week. The last time they'd checked on them, everything looked fine. Normal

"We're unable to find or contact Jungi Jinwoo." Bam said.

The younger agent seemed to realise he made a mistake, because his partner threw him a withering stare.

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