Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

    Only the sound of music from the milk tea shop is left in my ears.

    The crowd outside the shop came and went, and a few people came to the milk tea shop to order milk tea. They heard that there was a big order in front of them and they would have to wait for a while, so they left first, walked around and came back.

    There were still only the busy shop assistants and Jing Qingxia and Zhong Mingxue who were sitting in the corner looking at each other.

    Now that the Internet is developed, it is natural to easily retrieve the terminology of PTSD.

    What Zhong Mingxue knows is that PTSD does have the potential to cause personality changes.

    But it doesn't work for Jing Qingxia.

    PTSD requires a major trauma to emerge.

    For example, the accident in my own family is already considered serious.

    She can feel it.

    Although she was also introverted in the past, she was able to enjoy life calmly and play around with her friends.

    Such an ease is missing now.

    After transferring to a new environment, it was only in the process of getting along with Jing Qingxia that some shadows of the past were recovered.

    What kind of trauma did Jing Qingxia experience?

    The environment that triggers PTSD symptoms today is a live CS scene.

    Jing Qingxia's state was not quite right from the moment he touched the simulated weapon.

    Zhong Mingxue felt that she might be crazy because her imagination was too rich.

    After she set Jing Qingxia as a "veteran retired from the battlefield", everything made sense.

    Including the answers I got from Aunt Zhang, some puzzling changes have been matched.

    Whether it's getting up early and folding the quilt into tofu, or standing by the wall in a military posture when you are nervous, or being praised by the instructor as a special soldier at the beginning of the training camp, etc.

    It sounded like an interesting story to others, but to Zhong Mingxue it became a thread of thread.

    The person in front of him is Jing Qingxia, but not the original bully.

    Zhong Mingxue felt her scalp numb and her whole body cold for a moment.

    But not chillingly cold.

    This kind of coolness reflowed into the chest cavity from the whole body, knocking on the chest and thumping, suddenly enlightened.

    She really understood who she really liked.

    What she likes is not some bully who has changed his personality drastically, but Jing Qingxia in front of her eyes!

    Zhong Mingxue pursed her lips and said nothing.

    Jing Qingxia also cautiously did not speak.

    She was a little worried about Zhong Mingxue's reaction.

    Seeing the flickering look in Zhong Mingxue's eyes, she instinctively thought that the other party might have guessed the vague truth.

    And how would Zhong Mingxue who knew the truth treat her?

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