156] Let's End This

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The demon had emerged out of the millions of deformed faces. A slight crack was heard as it stepped forward.

"What is that?"

We all commented in the same time. Too stunned to speak much.

"It doesn't even have a face." Norman informed us and I nodded, I looked at Emma.

"Almost like... Back at the temple..." I told her.

"The queen was resurrected, then?" Ray asked.

Emma was surprisingly silent.

{That is the queen... Right?}

"How wonderful." The demon spoke, looking down at us, surveying us although she had no eyes, "You're all here... Standing right in front of me. The four very best premium products from Grace Fields' plant 3. This is fantastic. It's just as they said... All of you are alive. I almost had given up. But you attacked my capital... And attacked my retainers. Not to mention defying me. You cattlr children from LAMBDA and Grace Field escapees... Will all be returned to me. I'm... Going to... Eat every single one of you." The queen stated, eyes and mouths appeared on its face, although it wasn't it the right places. It snatched Zazie, gripping him into a tight grip.

"ZAZIE!" Norman yelled as Emma stationed herself with the gun, Zazie was prepared, she split the queen into two, but it almost immediately regenerated. It was scary, frightening, maybe a bit exilerating seeing what we were up again. My heart was beating, as fast as it can go. Suddenly the queen's fingers went through the side of Zazie's head which caught him off guard.

Zazie was thrown back, he crashed into a wall, cracks on the wall was seen as Norman ran in to help Zazie. Emma, Ray and I stationed ourselves to aim at the queen. I tried my best to be calm, but fear was consuming me as I saw it attack Zazie. I don't think we stood a chance to such a creature.

The queen saw this, "You will shoot, 63194? 81194? 65194?"

{In one shot... Zazie was... Even after we chopped through her head, she's still keeping her composite. No, the problem is what was inside it her head, there waddnt a brain or anything else for that matter. No face, no eyes, and no core? If that's the case, what can we possibly hope to-No, stop. Calm down... We've been watching that demon, trying to understand what it is. We can't truly confirm if it has a face or not, or even cores. Calm down, don't hesitate and don't think rashly. The core could be hidden and constantly moving, or maybe her core is in a different position than other demons. Shooting her with guns probably won't work. But! There must be some clue we can find... There has to be!}

Suddenly, the queen disappeared, appearing right infront of Emma.

{Emma! Shit-can't move!}

"Good girl." She praised as she caressed her cheek with her abnormally large hand.

"Emma! Ray! Y/n!"

Suddenly something hit the queen, causing it to jolt backward, surprised at the new movement. There was a crash on the wall, there stood two figures, and two only. Musica and Sonju.

"Sonju! Musica...!"

"Sorry for the wait." Sonju apologized, they hopped down wall. I looked down at Emma's hand and saw that she had pressed the device Sonju had given her.

"Are you three okay! Any injuries?" Musica asked.

"No, you saved us." Ray told her.

"Thank you!" Emma thanked her.

"The situation of the castle is fine. They should be able to handle the rest." Musica inquired

Sonju was facing the queen, he added, "We told Don and Gilda about a secret pathway. Don't worry. They'll be leaving the capital soon."

"Thank you...!" I told him, softly.

"Oh and that's Norman!" Emma happily pointed at Norman. Musica looked at him and face him a smile

"Now, on to her..." Sonju said, I hadn't noticed Sonju had actually stuck a couple of spears into her, "So you've finally turned into a monster, both inside and out."

"Emma, Ray, Y/n, it won't work. Negotiating peace with her is... Impossible." Sonju informed us.

"The regent house are all dead, huh?" Musica asked and I nodded, it seemed she was in really deep thought.

"I didn't think I would see you... Sonju. So you're aiding the humans... I wonder what the circumstances are this time. Well, whatever. In one single day I get to settle dealing with the cursed blood and recapturing the escapes. What a lucky day."

"Yeah, it is." Sonju replied, "We've come to settle things with you too."

"Let's end this." Musica announced.

"I'm going to kill you right here, right now, queen." Sonju declared.

"Kill? You? Kill me? You really are foolish, my little brother."

Days/hours to finish: 1 hour
Word count: 808

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