10] Control

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I was now leading an even smaller team of kids as Norman played "it". I taught them formations, strategies and that sort of shit


"Play tag in teams?" I asked

"Yeah. The vast majority of us will die if we try to escape individually" Ray explained, I rolled my eyes angrily

"Still, all of the kids had pretty decent moves. We've also collected some new data" Ray smiled

"We'll be able to escape if we do so in teams" Norman repeated

"And to do that... We have to train by playing tag teams as well..." Emma said looking down

"For now, I'm just going to have you memorize 10 types if team formations" Ray said

"By ear?" Emma asked

"Too hard for you?" Ray smirked

"Nope, piece of cake!" Emma said and I rubbed the back of my neck

< Another Flashback> except Emma isn't here

"I'm thinking about letting Don and Gilda in on our plans soon. We'll explain the situation and have them each lead a team... So" Norman said as he and Ray washed the dishes

{Okay so I maybe am eavesdropping at them but it's not really a bad thing to do, right?}

Ray pointed at Sister Krone using a fork "What about them?"

"Let's re-think our current plan" Norman told him, starting to get serious

"You, Y/n and I will most probably be the only ones that'll be able to handle this task" Norman looked at him confused

"Y/n will forget sooner or later anyways. It'll probably be too much for Emma and the others to handle... Psychologically"

{I hardly believe I could get over about killing... Actually..}

"Well technically, that does make them saner than us. First, we've got to separate those two. Let's incapitate them one by one, three against each"

{Killing Mom and Sister?, Absolutely awesome!}

"Incapacitate, huh..."


"It'll be harder than going for the..." Their voice faded as they went into the storage room

"Y/n?" Phil was showing me a drawing he made, it was him, me, Emma and Sherry playing

"It's pretty Phil" I said with a smile as I pulled on his cheek


"Well either way, we've learned a lot about mom over these past ten days" Norman told us, we were taking a break from playing tag in teams with the others

"What do you mean?" Emma asked him

"In a nutshell, mom already knows we are the targets. To be more precise, I think she already figured out that Ray had joined us two" Norman explained to her

"Figured out? Not Guesses or Suspects?" Emma asked

"Exactly" I replied

"Why do you two think so?" Emma asked, looking at me then quickly looking at Norman again and again

"There's many reasons. But the easiest one to explain is how she utilizes Sister Krone" I said rubbing my neck

"If she couldn't identify us as the targets but had the intention to find us. There's no way she wouldn't mark the oldest six of us, those who were already suspicious from the start. But in reality, she's making Sister Krone watch over all of us kids... Just to have another pair of eyes making sure we aren't all doing anything strange as a whole. It only bugged me a little at first, but this has been continuing for over 10 days now. Mom isn't putting any effort into weeding us out, and she's even letting us do as we please. Strange isn't it?" Norman explained

"Yeah..." Emma and

"But if she knew who we were from the start, her actions near the beginning make no sense!" Emma exclaimed

"Right" I said just agreeing with anything they said

{Mom wanted us to weed us out at first. But she has no intention of doing so anymore. IS THAT BECAUSE SHE ALREADY FINISHED WEEDING US OUT?}

"... But how? She can't draw any conclusions from just the tracker signals. And why would she let us do as we please if she already knows who we are?" Emma questions

"Because she already has her own method of monitoring us" Ray said walking to us

"... Pretty sure that's what Norman's trying to say. She has no need for Sister Krone to mark us six in particular" Ray said

"So in other words... It's likely that there's a mole among us children" We stared into the crowds of children, wondering who might be a mole

Emma grabbed her other hand and her eyes widened, shocked with fear probably

"A snitch... Something like a spy" Ray said

"We can't jump to conclusions though. It's completely possible that one of the kids are just unknowingly leaking data into mom's side. To be exact, mom has another personal source. Using her sources to analyze and restrict her targets... Is most likely..." Norman paused because of Emma

"Wait! No way... A source...?" Emma asked, probably questioning who might be the source

"Well then... What are we gonna do now? We've definitely gotta find this "source"... But what about our plans to involve Don and Gilda? If those two end up being mom's "Sources".." I told them

"No problems. We'd discover her "source" and get Don and Gilda to join our side. It'll be two birds with one stone. If they happen to be the spies, we could turn them into our trump card" Norman said

"We'd control the information flow and detail the enemy. It wouldn't be impossible to turn this situation in our favor" Ray said

"Yep! I've already laid out a net" Norman said, it alarmed us

"Heeey! Break time's almost over, let's start the second round soon!" Don called out, I gave him a thumbs up and returned to the three

"She's already in control... Which is why she isn't making any moves, even though she knows who we are. Unless we made bold moves, mom probably has no intention of getting in the way of our planning or shipping us early, huh" Ray said

{So basically, we only have a month and a half or so left before the "next shipment day". At least, it should be safe to assume that we have that much time left at the very least}

"Ray. How are things going with plans to destroy the transmitters?" Norman asked

"Just fine" "How much longer do you need?" "Uhh... Two weeks...? Nah, 10 days, maybe..." "Then let's put things into action in 10 days"

"What?" I asked surprised

"On November 8th, 10 days from today... We will be executing our escape plan" Norman said firmly, my eyes widened

Days/hours to finish: 7 hours
Number of words: 1120

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