62] Mortal Monsters

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"What a beautiful scene! What a wonderful sight!" The man said stating at the demons below

"You crazy bastard..." Ray said

"And you're one to talk?" The man smirked "Sorry, kid. You did better than I expected... So I just had to spice things up, y'know?"

{These monsters are furious... And there's so many of them... How can we even...}

"Welp, guess yall gonna die, but try and do your best anyway! I'll be around watching the show!" The man said and rushed off

"EH?" I yelled/questioned

"When two of you drops dead I'll come save the last one" The man said and disappeared

"Mister...!" Emma yelled

"Forget it. He said he's watching, so he'll be close. This won't endanger our family in the shelter, and we're not losing the guide either" Ray said

"So concentrate only on how to get through this...!" I said

{But... How...?}

"Ray! Y/n! They're climbing up here!!" Emma said, I sharply turned down frustrated

"THIS WAY!!" I yelled as Ray turned around and shot a branch making it crumble away

"Emma! Use that gun, now!" Ray told Emma

"What bullet?!" Emma questioned

"THE GREEN ONE!" Ray responded

"Fire!!!" Emma yelled suddenly the bullet tied all the demons up together

"They're tied up!" Emma yelled

"Good! Now hurry!" Ray said as we followed him as we ran

As we ran Emma looked behind us "THEY'RE ALREADY FREE! HERE THEY COME!" She warned

Since I was quite small, Emma carried me around as I shot the creatures (Like Emma was running while her arm was wrapped around your waist, your head was directly above Emma's shoulder)

{They're regenerating!}

Emma and I kept up this position for a while before she drop me so she could shoot them with the special pistol


{I've brought 5 20-shot magazines... I've already used 48 out of 100, just about half of them. The tear gas worked and all, but... They just keep coming, one after another... With this many demons raging after us, we could shoot all we have and it still wouldn't make a difference. Only our ammunition is decreasing in numbers. No matter how much you shoot, they just ressurect in a second. Whats more, every time their bodies change... Just what are these creatures, after all? No way around it, they are immortal monsters... Wait, that's wrong. They're not immortal. When I heard Sung-Joo's stories, the thought crossed my mind. Humans who killed demons.... And a thousand years ago no less, with technology that time. Therefore there has to be a way that even we can kill them! But how? They must be decapitated? No, that's wrong too. Even that man wouldn't be able to cut off their head with our gear, right-}

"Crap!" I screamed as we almost were getting surrounded by the monsters

"Y/n! This way! Quick!!" Emma said

Ray and I got held down by the demon with last minute thinking, "Emma! It's the eye!!"


Emma then shot it and it went down

"HE'S NOT RISING!" Emma said shocked

"Great! Run! Get away!" Ray yelled

"Focus on escape and limit your attacks to the minimum to survive! Let's get into the territory of other demons! The way that man talks implies there are diffrent species... If two packs crash into one another, they might forget about us! If we can pull that off, we'll just continue as planned until we reach a safe area!" I yelled

"Got it!!"


We panted as we finally got away, I dropped on my knees breathing heavily

"Good work" The man said "Oh boy, I can't it! You really managed to escape their territory all by yourselves"

"Excuse me, mister, but... We're alive. Chumps or not... We're still alive" Emma smiled

"... Right" The man said

{We survived... And found out how to kill them, to boot. But. After that, we missed a lot... You can kill them, but it's very hard. I ended up using 9 more bullets. Only 43 left... And today is day #1 of a single trip. We're aiming for a 4-day trip just to get there... It will take days until we're back, at the very least. 7 more days... Still 7 days to go, and... Only 43 bullets left}


Days/hours to finish: 2 days
Number of words: 769

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