57] Negotion - Part 2

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"Let's start over! My name is Y/n. Whats yours?" I told him, just like Ray told me to

"Get the hell out. I don't have to tell ya my name, and i don't want to" The man said

"Please take a seat" Emma told him but he still kept standing up "Look I'm sitting down..." Emma then sat down on a chair, I stood a few steps behind her

"Gilda?" Emma reminded her

"Um, right" Gilda said rushing off to get something

"So, how are you feeling?" Emma asked him

"In a bad mood" The man answered

"I'm so sorry we had to tie you down like that. And for the cookies. You must be hungry" Emma said, as Gilda entered with a plate of soup

"To make up for it... We made you soup for breakfast" Emma said, the man just stared so Emma tasted the soup "It's not poisoned. And it's not bad either"

The man just set it aside

"But we got the right temperature just for you...!" Emma said

"You know, this soup-" The man stopped because of Emma

"It's all made with ingredients we brought ourselves. We're not a drain on your food supply. From now on, we'll make do with our own food sources... As for water, energy, and space... We'll make sure to keep our use to a minimum" Emma said

"And you figure I'm sharing my shelter if you do that? No way. Get out" The man said

"No, that's not it. This is all just courtesy... So that we can start on the right foot. After all, I think you're not really worried... About resource limits. Am I right?" I said, smirking at him

{When we searched the shelter yesterday, it became clear. Earlier he went on and on about limits and "Dead weight", but...it was all talk. His attitude was that of someone living the good life... And indeed, the infrastructure of this shelter more than allows for it. His motive is something else}

"Let me get right to the point, then. We're going to meet with Minerva... And we'd like you to be our travel guide and bodyguard" Emma offered

"Guide and Bodyguard?!" The man exclaimed

"You're strong, right?" Emma said

"You've survived here for 13 years... By yourself. And also, Im guessing you have a lot of experience going outside" I added

"Huh? How can you tell?" Dominic questioned

"His shoes are quite worn down. And he doesn't have the belly of a sedentary life... On the contrary, he's fit. And also... There were fresh fruit hanging in the pantry. You can't just make those, and there was nothing like them in the indoor fields... What's more, they seemed relatively recent. Which means he must be getting them from forests or by the waterside"Ray said

"WATERSIDE?!" Thoma and Lanion blubbered, remembering the words of Sung-Joo

{In addition... Yesterday his shot barely grazed my skin. Assuming he was missing on purpose, that takes some skill. He escaped our bindings quite easily, too}

"You're no "sucker", that's for sure. You've got experience in searching for Minerva. You know what this is, right? The letter. We found it unsealed. You guys must have tried to search for him, too, just like the letter says... Even if you gave up later. Ray, Y/n and I want to try. And, because you have the strength and experience, we're asking for your help"Emma explained, her smile fading

"In your dreams, suckers! The hell should I care? Get outta my shelter" The man said

"Oh, we will. If we manage to find Minerva and return safely... We're leaving the shelter at once, then. All of us" Emma said, her smile reappearing

"Sigh... So that's your deal? And with this crappy offer, you expect me to risk my life going out? To risk my life to protect a couple of ridiculous assclowns? Don't make me laugh, kid" The man said

"Well, you want us to leave, right?" Emma said

"Yeah" The man pulled out a knife and put it right infront Emma "But it's a lot easier to just kill y'all right here"

"AAAAAAAAH!!!!" The younger ones screamed, Rossi hid behind my leg as Chris held my hand both frightened

"Can you do it?" Emma said

"Yup. Yer going down. Sorry. When I make up my mind, I don't look back" The man said, I pulled out a gun and pointed it at the man

"You sure about that? Pull that trigger, and you lose your only guide and bodyguard. You need me, dontcha" The man said, thinking he did something

"I'm not killing you" I said calmly "I'm just returning your gun" I threw the gun towards him

"I-is it loaded?" Don asked

"No, we took out the bullets" I said shaking my head

"Exactly. It's not your life that's on the table" Emma said, Ray held something with a button on top

"We found it yesterday, when searching the archive room. Must be to protect the secret, I think... If, worse comes to worst, the demons find out about this place. Y/n and I are kinda sleep deprived because you cut off the wiring, you know? Took us quite a while to fix it... The emergency self-destruct system is online" Ray explained

I smiled as Emma stood up from her chair, I pushed her away, a bit worried of what'll happen if he actually attacks her

"Well then, mister, let's make a deal... Or else, we'll blow up the whoole shelter!" The smile on my face was so wide

The man's frustration and anger was seen from his face

"This place is important to you, right? More than just a bunch of resources. You do understand that, if we destroy the shelter... You won't be having any tea parties anymore" Emma said

"If we're going to die anyway, why not blow it up?" I scoffed

"Very well. If yall eager to throw away your lives, I'll help you die" The man said

"...? But... But... No, mister, you can't let them die!" Chris said, looking adorable as he was hugging Ray from behind

"You shut up!!" The man yelled

"I'll go with you and help search for Minerva. But! I'm showing the way and that's it. I'm not guarding crap. And I'm certainly not putting my life on the line" The man said

"I understand. That's fine" Emma replied "So what's your name?"

"I said I'm not telling you my name... Antenna kid" The man said

"Antenna...?!" Emma smiled with joy as she got a new nickname for herself

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have the slightest intention of getting close to you. And stay outta my sight if you please. Don't wanna stare at yer stupid faces" The man said

"I see" I nodded

"Please to meet you, then... Dear man with no name" Emma said

Days/hours to finish: 1 day
Number of words: 1153

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