155] Resurrection

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There was a big splatter of blood on the floor, Cislo had gotten one leg, from the knee down cut off. But he had managed to push Norman away.



The demon was eating his leg, I was lucky enough to have brought my bag filled with medical supply and took our a gauge. I rushed to Cislo, crouching down beside him.



Right now, I couldn't focus on whose voices those belonged, I just wanted to save someone.

Emma handed me more gauges after blood had soaked through the first, I didn't bother taking the first off and just pressed another in top of it. I just have to stop the bleeding and find something to wrap around his leg so he can be brought back to the hideout.

"Y/n, keep pressing there!" Norman instructed me.

"OK!" I replied, I could hear the roars of the demon forming behind us. But Cislo was my top priority at the moment.

"Hey, there's something wrong going on here..." Ray pointed out as the others surrounded us, Norman and I were trying to stop Cislo's bleeding. I trusted Ray and Emma to try and shield us from the attacks.

"She's eating them... Stay back!!! This thing... Is devouring everything it can get its hands on!"

I found some bandages in my bag and some tape, it was all Norman and I would be able to work on so we nodded at each other and began to wrap the bandages around Cislo's leg so it would be easier to carry him to the base.

"Impossible... It's getting the corpses contaminated by the toxin and absorbing them completely unfazed...!"

"And it's body keeps growing!"

"It's all messed up..."

I finally had finished with Cislo and managed to turn around and look at the demon everyone had described horribly. Well, they weren't wrong. It was ugly and disgusting, even gross.

"What now? We can't just leave this thing!" I told Norman.

"The kernel was destroyed... I'm sure of it. I confirmed it beyond doubt, with my own eyes!" Norman stated.

"Well, then... Either the queen can survive the destruction of her core." Ray answered.

"Or... The queen, maybe all royals... Have more than one core. "Royal blood is a class of its own."" Norman said and then turned to Vincent who was injecting something into Cislo, "Vincent, take Cislo and lead others back to headquarters."

"And you?"

"I'll stay here with Zazie. I'll deal with this thing somehow and then follow you back!" Norman instructed him as Cislo groaned in pain.

"But in that case..." Vincent tried to object.

"Its dangerous here! Go! I'm counting on you...!" Norman yelled at him.


"What now?" Ray repeated after Vincent left with Barbara and the others.

I could see it's hand coming right at us.

"Its coming!!" I yelled.

Zazie swiftly sliced off it's hand and it rolled off on the floor. "Emma. Ray. Norman. Y/n. It's been a while."


I looked down at the hand, I saw Sister Krone on it's arm. Sending back scary moments back at Grace Field, that terrifying face.


"Damn Queen."

"Your majesty."

"Lord Gillan."





"No... This can't be happening." I heard Emma mumble quietly to herself.

{I don't understand anything now. It seems as if I'm back searching for the Seven walls. What's happening...?}

The faces created an opening, allowing a new demon to step out. But. It was a figure with a slender appearance, no face, no eyes, mouth, nose or even ears. Just. Slender figure.

Days/hours when finished: 2 hours
Word count: 615

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