128] I've Made Up My Mind

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"Emma. The world isn't so kind that you can pick everything at once. I will tell you this: If we don't eveterminate the demons, our family will never be safe enough to smile"

"All of that is correct, Norman... But that only cares for probabilities! Sure, from a mathematical point of view, that's the correct choice. But... What does it mean to be correct? To be sure to reach your goals? To have the most benefit? I don't know about these things, but it has to be more than that! I... I just can't accept a choice as "correct" that would lead to the extermination of the other-Even to the genocide of innocent children!" Emma said, at this point I've forgotten Ray and I existed in this conversation "Killing is a heavy thing... Extermination all the more! And there's a way to avoid it, right? The path is there. You said we don't even know if the human world would accept us. That us true enough, but... Maybe they will! We don't know that, either! Even if the chances are low, if there's a way for both sides to survive... Then let's bet everything on the path! Please! That's how we've managed to come so far, isn't it? If all we had believed in the statistics, we'd have never even tried to break out of the house. The most logical choice would've been to do as Mom said, and wait for death the best we could. We'd have never brought along the children, either! I don't want to destroy the demons... At the very least... I don't want to live in a future where my survival depends on killing a friend. On killing Musica. I would never be able to smile again" Emma said

"So you insist we should do all it takes to avoid extermination?" Norman asks her

"Yes!" She replied

"What about my plan? It's already started, you know. The alliance with Gilan is done. I can't go back on it" Norman said

"I know. There's no problem. Let them topple the royals and the regent families. The liberation of the farms is a good thing, too. But, at that point, don't go on execute the nobles. Instead, I'd like to use their blood to make more demons able to live without humans. At the same time, we'll cross the Seven walls and seal a new promise with the one. And we'll make a pathway to escape to the human world. Finally, give stable bodies all the demons... Put an end to all the plantations... And bring all the cattle children to the human side" Emma said

"That's a pipe dream" Norman told her "I don't see hope in any of it, but let's concede, for the sake of argument, that we can cross to the human world and so on. Even then, the part about the Seven Walls is completely unclear. They say that in this place, there lies the Supreme existence among the demons, the one. But the Seven Walls... They aren't found anywhere in the demon world. Even the documentation accumulated by the Ratri Clan doesn't have a clue about then. It's just a big unknown. Even James Ratri himself could never find the way to reach it. On what basis do you think you-" Norman stopped

"We already did" Emma said "And we already gathered all need! When the auditions are right, we can go at any time!"

"You-You found it?" Norman asked shocked

"Yup!" Emma replied "But, to be fair, there's still a lot of things we don't know... We can't tell if the method will work... Or what we will find there. And reaching it is only half the problem. We don't know it we can seal a new promise. It's still just as you said... A big unknown. If you must know more before stopping the plan-then let me go and find out!"

"What?" Norman asked her

"OK? I will go and learn all about it! If I can fix the promise, if I manage to come back, then you can rethink the idea of extermination! Please!" Emma begged Norman

"Ah, wait a minute... Where does this all come from... What's this about if you manage to come back?" Norman asked her

"Regarding the risks, right now we're aware of two things. We know how to get in, but nothing about how to get out. And... It appears that most of those who went there have never returned" I told him

"WHAAAAA?!" Norman yelled "What in the world? That's way too dangerous!!"

"But if I don't go, there will be a massacre, right? I'm against that!" Emma said

"But come on!!" Norman still was yelling

"Its OK, don't worry! I already wanted to go anyway!" Emma said


"1000 years ago, the first Ratri managed to come back, right? So we know there must be a way and I'll find it. And also... I'm the one who wants to stop the extermination... So let me shoulder at least a bit of this, OK? I will check it out and be right back!" Emma said

"A bit, you say...?" Norman asked her

"I mean, that's not much, right?" Emma said "Not when compared to your burden... Doing everything alone. Leading all if it like a God. You know, Norman..." Emma gave Norman a hug "It's ok. You don't have to become a God. How are you feeling, Norman?"

"Ahm..." Norman hummed

"Isn't it hard? Deep inside, do you want to kill all demons? Do you also feel relief when you do? You can talk about it, Norman. I don't want you to take it all upon your shoulders and go away... Again!" Emma said and they both pulled away from the hug

"Ah, no way!" Norman said "I'm not going anywhere, don't worry. Now I know how you feel, Emma. But I haven't changed my mind. I've no intention of stopping the plan. Nor delaying it. Nor waiting for you. If you really want to stop the extermination... And for this reason you've resolved to go there... Then be back before I put the riyals and regents to death. I will not stop anything. When you come back, and reconsider our status" Norman told her

"Got it! That's good enough, thanks!" Emma said

"Ray. Y/n" Norman turned to us

"We know. Of course, we'll go" Ray said

"You can counts on us!" I told him

"You three take care and come back safely" Norman said

"Right!" Emma said, we hugged and left

"Ray... Y/n..." Emma said

"What?" Ray asked her

"I've made up my mind. I'm not lost anymore! I refuse to accept a genocide. I will find another way, whatever it takes. Norman won't have to carry all the weight alone, ever again...!" Emma told us

"Yeah!" I said

Days/hours to finish: 28 minutes
Number of words: 1170

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