Chapter 44: Cracking Rock

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Izuku and Eijiro stepped out to the arena together from the same corridor, despite the disagreement of the event organizers. Izuku still had his arm over Eijiro's shoulder and they were both smirking.

"Our next contestants are the man of multiple tricks Izuku Midoriya and his opponent the unyielding Eijiro Kirishima," Present Mic announced.

"Unyielding," Izuku muttered, "that's pretty good. At least he came up with a good name for one of us."

"I don't know. You seem to always have some 'trick' up your sleeve. Or a quirk."

"Maybe, but it doesn't sound that good. He probably didn't want to mention multiple quirks because of how people might feel about that."

Izuku pointed at Eijiro with his free hand.

"Still, don't forget to watch out for those tricks. I'm in this to win, but you should at least make it look good."

"Seems they are coming to the arena together," Present Mic continued. "Is that allowed?"

"It doesn't matter to the actual fight," Aizawa responded. "Though I suspect we are about to witness an impressive match."

Izuku smirked in a way to taunt Eijiro. It worked.

"In your dreams."

"So, you are going for a knockout. Good to know. Try not to crack my skull in the process."


Izuku smiled and shook Eijiro's shoulders slightly.

"I hope they can fight seriously against each other," Present Mic continued. "They don't exactly look like enemies down there."

"And that is why they will give it their all," Aizawa said. "They respect each other too much not to, and neither of them are ones to not give their all.

"Just joking. Don't worry about me," Izuku said, smiling. They finally arrived in front of Midnight.

"Well, you two seem to be having good time." She held the microphone in front of the two students.

"Of course," Eijiro said louder than necessary with the microphone right there. "I can't wait to get this match started."

Izuku kept a much calmer demeanour and pointed at Eijiro with the thumb of the hand still on his shoulder.

"Things have to be pretty bad if this guy can't put you in a good mood. His excitement is contagious... and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited for this fight."

Midnight smiled softly and was about to say something.

"Make sure he didn't take the redhaired guy's quirk," someone shouted from the audience. Izuku's smile disappeared faster than if he had been punched to the face and his arm tensed against Eijiro's shoulder.

"Yeah, why else would he be hanging on the Kirishima guy like that. With the last match he was also trying to get to touch the other student."

"The match hasn't even started yet. Just disqualify him."

"Seriously?" Eijiro said, still within range of the microphone. He seemed to only realize he was talking to the entire stadium after that. "Izuku is a cool guy. Why do you keep attacking him when you've never met him.? Sure he could take my quirk, but why would he? That would just ruin the match for the both of us."

Izuku wiped a tear off his eyes. People didn't care though.

"Because he wants to win obviously."

"But what would that win be worth?" Eijiro responded.

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