Chapter 4: Father and Son

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"I'm going mom," Izuku announced while putting on his shoes. His voice, as most days recently, was more cheerful than it had been in years. His mother rushed into the hall to see him.

"Not until you tell how you are feeling, honestly."

"Bit of a headache and I think I'm still getting tired faster, but no dizziness since last week. See," Izuku responded. To prove he was telling the truth he raised his left leg and stood on one foot before hopping close enough to hug his mother.

"Don't listen to your classmates. Don't stay with your father too late, and don't believe a word he says."

Izuku chuckled at his mother's standard instructions. Despite her words and... a reasonable suspicion towards his dad, Izuku knew she had been happier since they had been reunited even if she told him to stop 'spying' on her. It might have been solely because Izuku was happier to have both his parents in his life, but he was grateful for anything that made his mother happy and didn't mind wearing the tracker watch either.

There were still issues in his life. His mother's first instruction was even harder to follow now that he knew his father was a villain, and they made Izuku think more about his words violating his mother's third instruction. He forced those thoughts out of his mind before pulling away from the hug. His mother deserved this happiness without starting a discussion on the flaws of society. Instead, he grinned.

"I'll try not to stay too late, but dad promised he'd start teaching me more about my quirk...s since I've gotten better now."

Izuku pushed the door open and left before he made either of them cry. He didn't want to go to school in wet clothes even if the weather was sunny. He walked enjoying the spring day, completely ignoring he'd still have to spend hours in the hellhole they called school. At least he had a lesson with Kuro-sensei after lunch. His calm ended when a loud roar echoed along the street. He looked to the side on an intersection. A giant man was standing on an elevated railroad roaring. He swung his arm, knocking down one of the support pillars of the overhead electric cables. Izuku gasped but something grabbed the pillar before it could prove a real threat to the bystanders, and he could hear people start talking vibrantly about the hero Deatharms. Izuku already had notes on him so he focused on the giant criminal.

"A gigantification quirk," Izuku muttered. He pulled out his notebook to add notes about the unknown giant as someone nearby verbally mocked the giant for doing small crime with a quirk like that. It wasn't like he could use the quirk much with how the laws were without breaking the law or managing to become a hero. Did they want him to commit worse crime then? Not that going on a rampage like that made sense either. Considering how agitated the giant seemed to be he was probably at his max size and it came with some mutations in his head shape.

Something whooshed over Izuku. It didn't take long for him to recognize the hero Kamui Woods. Izuku forgot the simple gigantification quirk and focused on the hero's Arbor quirk. On the surface the wooden body that could stretch and split was obvious, but Izuku didn't have a clue about the actual limits or capabilities of the quirk beyond the that. After evading a few swings, the hero prepared to launch his special binding move only for another giant person to appear and kick the criminal out of the way, causing considerable collateral damage to the street below in the process. No one cared though since the giant "hero" was a good-looking young woman, and people were more interested in taking pictures than complaining about unnecessary damage. Izuku put his notebook away and continued towards school.

The school day, first of the new school year, started normal enough with no one talking to or approaching Izuku. He for his part focused on thinking of how to get his parents to get along better. Despite being about family conflict, it was a hopeful train of thought to him. He barely noticed the glares of his classmates as he walked past them to his lonely desk. The teacher came in the classroom right after Izuku. He was one of the worst ones in the school and had for years ignored anything Bakugo and others had done to Izuku with no consideration for how his own actions might impact the ostracized student. Not surprising considering how he always praised students with strong showy quirks, talking about how he dreamed of having a student of his become a great hero someday.

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