Chapter 7 a New Life Begins

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"Hello, my name is Izuku Midoriya. I am joining your class for rest of the year," Izuku said and bowed slightly to the classroom of students.

Bowing let him draw a few deep breaths without it being noticed. It felt uncanny to walk through the school without anyone avoiding or scowling at him, but he was still on edge, ready to be ostracised over even a single wrong move. Finishing his bow, he gathered enough courage to get up and face his new classmates again.

"Midoriya has transferred to us from Aldera Junior High from Mustafa City starting today," the teacher said. "Please make him feel welcome. Now does anyone have any questions, including you Midoriya?"

Several of the students had their hands up before she finished talking. She pointed at a girl in the back of the room.


"What is your quirk?"

Izuku gulped. Of course, they would ask that first. What else about him could people possibly care about? If he had any doubts before they were gone now. He held his hand up, the palm towards himself. Fire burst over the back of his hand and Izuku applied vibration to it as the blade stretched and thinned down. It still took too much focus to be practical in a fight, but at least Izuku could combine the quirks reliably for a while. He pushed his limits to make the blade as long and impressive as he could for the brief moment. Most people in the class were wide-eyed. Some made positive remarks about how cool his quirk was, not knowing how that wrenched Izuku inside. Izuku stopped before the teacher could comment on using quirks at school. Instead, she pointed at another student for a question.

"Why did you transfer suddenly and how did you even get in this school?"

Maybe there were worse questions than his quirk. This time Izuku couldn't completely hide his reaction.

"Is everything okay?" The teacher asked.

"Y... yes. I transferred because," Izuku paused as the words stuck to his throat as if they were trying to choke him, "my mother was killed recently and, well..."

"You don't need to talk about anything you don't want to," the teacher said, "and no one will pressure you if they know what is best for them. Now, let's start the lesson. You can get to know each other better during breaks."

"Thank you," Izuku whispered as he walked past her to the only free seat, on the second row behind tall blue-haired kid with eyeglasses. No one tried to pull their desks away or lean away from him. It would have been nice if it wasn't all based on a lie. He didn't dare to look anywhere but the teacher and his own desk as the lesson commenced. At least she actually taught him too.

The first few classes passed uneventfully. Izuku was used to getting from class to class with minimal contact with others and didn't think to do anything else. He was also distracted by the school itself. His old school had been... decent in teaching for people that had good or commonplace quirks, just reputable enough that mother had not gone out of her way to send Izuku to a better school further away. The school however had not been exceptional in any way and the buildings had been average at best. Soumei on the other hand showed the money rich parents had poured into it everywhere. Everything looked new, clean and shiny. Large open halls with high ceilings made the place feel more like a monument than a junior high school.

The morning lessons soon finished, and he was about to slip away for lunch when...

"You, Izuku Midoriya."

Izuku froze in place and turned around a few seconds later. It was the blue-haired boy. So far Izuku only knew that he seemed to be very formal and often quite loud. He walked towards Midoriya, waving his arms like a robot from an ancient sci-fi film.

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