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Where did you came from?" Lady Lesso asked in a stern expression.

"Auradon. We came from the United States of Auradon." Evan answered which made Professor Dovey gasp.

"Oh my! Auradon! The parallel world of ours!" Professor Dovey clapped. "Your world is full of happy endings! I like the version of your stories!"

"Tone down the dramatics Clarissa." Lady Lesso said then she turned towards the Auradon kids. "Why did you come here?"

"Well it's not by choice, we can assure you that." Jamie confirmed.

"What do you mean?" Professor Dovey asked curiously.

"Well, we saw this glowing book in my mom's library then it sucked us into it. The next thing we knew, we were in a forest and two huge decaying birds snatched us and brought us here." Mia explained.

"Who are your parents?" Lady Lesso asked curiously.

"Well, I don't think you'll know them so it doesn't really matter." Mia answered.

After hearing the School Master said things about balance between good and evil, Mia doesn't think their parentage would be welcomed. I mean they are the children of the villain kids and the children of  heroes. They were lucky enough to remain unregistered in this school.

"But you can't go back. There's no way back." Professor Dovey said.

"We'll find a way. We always do." CJ said with conviction.

"But I wish we could remain neutral for now. Since we aren't enrolled in either school, we can just... I don't know... Explore?" Mia asked innocently while batting her eyelashes which warmed Professor Dovey's heart. Professor Dovey melted as Lady Lesso rolled her eyes.

"I think we can do that. Why don't you stay with the Evers tonight and we'll work on some kind of an arrangement tomorrow?" Professor Dovey asked softly.

"That would be great, Professor. Thank you." Mia smiled.

"All students, report to your assigned sleeping quarters." Professor Dovey said on PA.

The three boys were being escorted by fairies to their sleeping quarters while Mia begged to let her come just so she knew where she could find them. The fairies were a lot kinder to Mia than the boys. The fairies would try to bite them but when they were with Mia, they became very playful.

The three boys smiled as Mia's giggle echoed in the hallway. The fairies keeps on tickling her and she would do the same to them. Tedros, who was on his way to his quarters saw the endearing sight of Mia playing with the fairies. Her giggles made his heart flutter.

"You know, if you keep on playing with them, they wouldn't be able to show us to our rooms." Evan pointed out which only made Mia stick her tongue at him.

𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗜-𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗢 [School For Good And Evil]Where stories live. Discover now