Chapter 39 - Henotic

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(Tw!) mentions of injuries and animal abuse.

Hey y'all, I know I haven't updated in forever and that its super short, so I'm sorry, but this was the only free time I've had in months lol. As always thanks for reading!

Henotic - Promoting harmony or peace.


Izuku winced as he lightly touched his bruised knuckles while attempting to measure the damage, glancing occasionally at his new kitten as Miso sniffed and investigated the smaller cat. He knew that Miso wouldn't harm the younger, but was worried about how the kitten was faring with its wounds as it had taken a beating before Izuku arrived.

No bones seemed to be broken, but he had no doubt that the kitten was in just as much pain as he was, if not more. It made him sad, but he knew that no veterinarian would accept the little cat without adequate payment, which Izuku didn't have. He had tried his best with the little first aid supplies he had, and it did seem that the kitten was slightly relieved of its pain, but that wouldn't stop Izuku from worrying about his new charge.

"You won't have to worry anymore," He reassured the kitten, "I'll take care of you now."

The kitten meowed lightly in response, blinking up at Izuku slowly as if to reassure Izuku that he understood.

"How about we name you Pluto? I think it's cute." Izuku asked, sitting next to the two cats and petting each lightly.

The kitten meowed again in confirmation before butting his head against Izuku's palm.

"Pluto it is." Izuku smiled.

; Aizawa's POV

"What do you mean there's a new vigilante?" Aizawa asked, his voice bordering on annoyance.

He was on a phone call with detective Tsukauchi, who had apparently been at the crime scene of a recently discovered vigilante.

"Are you sure it isn't an already known vigilante? Stain? Knuckleduster?" he listed.

"No," Tsukauchi responded. "It doesn't fit any of their signatures, it has to be someone new."

Aizawa sighed at the resolute tone of the detective. He knew that this would mean the length and frequency of his patrols would increase until the police caught the vigilante, and he was much less than happy to receive the larger workload.

"I'll keep an eye out." Aizawa grumbled, moving to hang up before the detective's voice stopped him.

"Be careful Aizawa. Whoever he is, he's dangerous."

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