Chapter 33 -Aluid Ex Alio Malum

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(Tw!) This chapter contains many mentions of fighting, blood, and goreish stuff. If anybody needs a recap, just ask :) I'm honestly really proud that I was able to write this. I haven't been in the best mental spot for a while, and whenever that happens I just can't write anything. I haven't written an actual chapter in months, so I'm really happy that I could get this out. I hope y'all have a really good day!

I'm updating a little early because I just got home from vacation and I wasn't able to update last Monday. I went to Disney with my band and performed there and Universal, it was honestly so fun, even though my ex-friends insisted on making as much drama as they possible could. They were calling my friend and her girlfriend a narc because somebody else told the director that they planned on bringing edibles on the trip. There was literally no reason for it they just wanted to be mean.

If anybody need help figuring out how to act around those types of people I have lots of advice now lol. Genuinely though, I'm sort of glad I went through that so that now I can know how to act. They've taught me a lot lol.

Aluid Ex Alio Malum - One evil rises out of another


Aizawa stood heaving, anger flowing through his veins. His students were scattered around the building, where he assumed more villains were stationed. He wasn't worried about them as much as he was about the students that remained beside him. The villains in the main lobby were dangerous, more dangerous than the ones in the building.

Aizawa flinched as a scream sounded from the back of the group of villains, the sound cuing an outbreak of fighting. Aizawa jumped into the fray, throwing punches left and right, attempting to shield his remaining students from the fighting.

The scarf around Aizawa's neck was slowly stained with blood as he used to incapacitate more and more villains. He sped up his assault as a shot was fired, the panic growing in his stomach building and building. He stopped his scarf short as it whipped towards a boy on the ground, obviously injured. Aizawa opted to ignore him for a moment, knowing that when reinforcements arrived that the boy would be taken and interrogated properly. For now though, he was of no concern in the state he was in.

When All Might arrived, Aizawa knew. With the rumble in the ground, and the way that the villain's turned their heads to the entrance. Aizawa turned too, expecting to find All Might posing for the non-existent cameras, but instead found the man propelling the injured boy into the wall across the lobby.

He was dead. The boy had to be dead. There was no way any mortal person could survive being smashed into a concrete wall by a three ton force. Cracks were stemming in the concrete from where the boy's head had made contact and blood dripped down his face. It seemed to Aizawa that every bone in the boy's body was turned the wrong way, and the gunshot that hadn't been apparent before was bleeding profusely. If the boy was alive, there was no way he would survive the next minutes without medical help.

Aizawa turned angrily to All Might, watching as the man made a move to make sure the boy was dead. Aizawa scoffed in complete anger, before wrapping his scarf around All Might's head, redirecting the man's gaze and pointing at the plethora of villains left undefeated.

All Might's gaze lit up, and it was obvious that the man only sought bloodshed. Aizawa left All Might quickly to retrieve and direct the other forces that had arrived with the destructive man, targeting the EMTs that were bound to be lingering around the back of the group.

Aizawa ran when he spotted a man carrying a medical bag, noticing the standard black uniform of an EMT. Aizawa started ushering the man quickly, shouting above the fighting and explained that a boy needed help. Of course the paramedic didn't know that the boy Aizawa spoke of was not one of his own students, but that fact didn't matter to Aizawa, and he knew that it shouldn't matter to the paramedic either.

As Aizawa turned the corner, he stopped. His eyes glanced over the empty dent of the wall for a few times before his head snapped towards All Might. The man was occupied, and it was obvious that he hadn't thought to go back to the boy. Aizawa looked back at the dent in the wall, and followed the drops of blood leading away from it.

Motioning for the medic to leave, knowing that there were many others that were going to need him, Aizawa ran outside the doors. Aizawa huffed as the trail ended outside the door. He couldn't leave his students alone, even if the fighting was about to end. He decided quickly to notify Nezu later, knowing that his priorities lie in helping his own students. 

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