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Captain's Omega
Chapter Nine

You didn't want to leave your room. In fact, if you had enough courage, you would end your life and never step out of the room to face the horror waiting for you.

And you weren't talking about the titans.

All night, the only thing you could do was replay the interaction with Jean, over and over in your mind. Everything you said, he thought you were talking about him. Now he knew you were an omega, and if you told him it was a mistake, he would try to ruin you and Levi's life.

It wasn't a secret that Jean didn't like your captain, and something this big would be brought to Commander Erwin, and it will be all over for you. Levi would probably get a slap on the wrist--he was too valuable to the corps to lose, but you? You'll be shipped off faster than you could blink, and probably be forced to be bred in hopes the omega bloodline will continue.

The thoughts made you cringe and you buried your face in your hands further. The only way to stop that from happening would be to go along with whatever this was with Jean. Slowly start breaking it off, or hope he dies in battle.

Shaking your head at the last thought, you decided that nothing would be fixed if you remained hidden in your room.

Taking a deep breath, you opened the door to face your problems.

Act natural, you reminded yourself as you walked through the breakfast line. Your heart hammering in your ears as you saw Jean walking into the mess hall. His eyes quickly found yours, and you darted your line of sight quickly. A blush dusted your cheeks and your throat grew dry from how nervous you were.

Levi was nowhere in sight, and you were thankful you didn't have to face him yet.

"Didn't you hear? Levi and his squad got sent out on a mission last night," Armin had whispered to the group as you ate your breakfast. Your chewing stopped and you looked up curiously.

"Just the squad?" Eren questioned.

Armin nodded. "They still haven't returned," he whispered and you felt your body freeze.

"What kind of mission?" Mikasa wondered in a bored tone.

"Whatever it was, it must be top secret since only his best men went," Armin replies.

You're eyebrows furrowed with concern as you threw a glance toward the officer's table. You saw Hange and Ewin speaking to each other in hushed tones. Before you could question it, an arm is thrown over your shoulder as a body sat down next to you.

"Hey, guys, what's everyone talking about?" Jean's voice cut through you and it made every hair on your body stand straight up.

"None of your business Kirstein," Eren growled, glaring at the arm that hung over your shoulder. "Why are you even here?"

You tried to shrug him off, but his heavy arm was planted firmly over you. "Just wanted to sit with my comrades. Is that such a crime, Yeager?"

Mikasa watched you as you shifted uncomfortably and her hand shot out to smack his shoulder. "Jean, learn some personal space," she warns, and Jean gave her a shocked look.

"Owe, Mikasa!" He whines as he pulls away from you. "I just want to spend time with my friend."

"Look at Y/N's face, she's completely uncomfortable," Eren pointed out, causing your mouth to drop open and look at Jean quickly.

Jean turned his hurt face to you, which turned smug as your eyes connected. "Is it true Y/N? Do I make you uncomfortable?"

You hated the situation you were currently in, and you almost hoped there would be some sort of attack that would distract everyone. The pressure on your shoulders was enough to make you want to pass out, and you were thankful you're heat was behind you.

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