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Captain's Omega
Chapter 4

After Levi left you, you cleaned up and laid there feeling empty and half satisfied. The burning in your belly had died down, however, the omega in you felt like she was ripped in half. It confused you, you had sex, why did you feel so empty?

Turning over, you curled in a ball, pulling the blanket over you tightly. You wondered if he meant what he said, that he'll come to see you tonight. You also debated if you should leave your room for training or continue to stay locked up. There wasn't any entertainment in your small room, except the window that overlooked the training field.

Closing your eyes, you decided you would wait till tomorrow to figure it out.

A loud banging awoke you that morning.

"Y/N! Wake up! You're going to miss breakfast!" You heard a familiar voice say through the wood.

Springing out of bed, you wobbled a bit before catching yourself on the bed frame. "I-I'm coming!" You sputtered, still trying to wake up.

You quickly got dressed and right before you were about to leave, grabbed the scent blockers and dabbed it all over your scent glands. You could at least make it to the meals of the day.

When you were ready, you open the door to reveal Armin's bright and welcoming face. "I'm glad to see you're alive! We were all worried there for a second."

You give him a sheepish smile. "Worried? About me? I'm fine!"

You began to follow him down the hall. "Yeah, with all the groaning we heard, we thought you were dying!"

You stopped abruptly, your face heating up in embarrassment. "You did?" You gaped, your eyes wide with fear. "I'm sorry, my stomach was just cramping."

Armin gives you a reassuring smile. "I figured as much. That's why we left you alone. But you need to eat so I came to get you."

Tugging at your jacket you managed to grab, you shake your head in gratitude. "Thank you, I am starving." That wasn't a lie. Who knew having sex would work up an appetite.

Still, the omega in you whined and cried. Right now all you wanted to do was curl up in a nest of pillows and blankets and have you alpha bring you food. But in the reality of this harsh apocalyptic world, that was not going to happen. Still, you would just have to make do with what you got.

As you approached the mess hall, you were hit with a very similar scent. Snapping your eyes up, you saw Captain Levi sitting at the officer table, sipping on a cup of tea with a bored look on his face. As if feeling your eyes on him, he looked up and locked gazes with you. You stared at him intently while memories last night flooded your mind. He looked momentarily shocked to see you there, but it vanished within a blink of an eye as Commander Erwin said something to him.

Free from his glare, you quickly rushed into the meal line with Armin, slightly hiding behind the beta in hopes he would shield you from the alpha's intense stare down. "What's wrong? Is something bothering you?" Your blond friend asks.

Shaking your head, you took a step away from him. "Sorry, I just had a sudden chill run down me. Captain Levi is still intimidating," you confessed.

Armin nods his head. "You're not wrong there. The workout he gave us was really intense, my thighs still hurt."

No kidding...you wanted to scoff.

After getting your food, you joined Mikasa and Eren who gave you pitiful looks. "You look like death," Mikasa observed.

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