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Captain's Omega
Chapter 6

Lucky for you, your heat had vanished through that night. You no longer felt the gnawing heat of lust nibble at your belly, nor did the pain of need hit you. It gave you enough sense to lock your door, and in return lock Levi out. A bit of pride swelled within you when you heard the knob jiggle slightly in the middle of the night.

When the haze of your heat was gone, there was still one thing you could not get out of your mind. Even though your body no longer craved it, your heart still throbbed at the thought of having the Captain's lean and muscular body pressed against yours. The pathetic omega within you whimpered to have a mate comfort you through the night.

You hated it. You hated feeling so needy especially when the person you wanted was someone unavailable. Just thinking about his stupid face made your body squirm in escaping butterflies and memories of how he bent you over, caressed the curves of your body, and his panting breath in your ear would flood your mind in never-ending torture.

Why did it have to be him?

As promised, with your heat gone, you were able to return to training. Everyone welcomed you back and questioned you on your health. Shyly, you would thank everyone for their concerns, and eventually, they didn't pay you any extra attention. All except one.

Burning green eyes watched you from across the dining table as you nibbled on a loaf of bread. You felt the gaze but were afraid to look up and meet Eren's glare. It wasn't until Mikasa jabbed an elbow into his side, that his heated stare broke.

"If you stare any longer, her head will explode," her venom-filled voice whispers harshly to him.

"I'm not staring," he bites back, but his eyes flicker back to yours. "But I do want to know, why is Captain Levi treating you differently?"

The stale bread in your hand slipped from your fingers and collided with the metal tray. You were stunned by the question, not expecting Eren to get straight to the point.

"W-what? What do you mean?" You stammered, trying your best to look confused.

"Jean said the last squadron Captain Levi commanded, anytime a cadet would fall ill he would have them run the sickness out in laps. Yet he lets your take nearly a week off, why is that?" Eren narrows his eyes.

Your mouth bobbed open and closed as you tried your best to find an answer. You knew he must have still been upset with the stables incident, but all of this wasn't your fault! What do you say?

"Jean also forgot to mention that that cadet only had a sinus infection. Clearly whatever L/N had was more severe, right?" Mikasa came to your aid, looking up at you with steel cold eyes.

You nodded eagerly, "Yeah, he didn't want me infecting anyone else. You know how much of a clean freak he is," you reply, forcing a smile out.

Eren hummed, pushing away from the chair to turn to look over at the officer table. Your eyes follow before they land on a certain dark hair man who was looking on boredly.

You hadn't even realized he was here, yet when your eyes landed on his face, his grey eyes flicker towards you. It was no longer an unfamiliar feeling to have your body shudder under his gaze. It took all of your power to not go to him. The instincts within you knew who her alpha was, despite not being bonded to him.

Levi had been the only alpha to ever touch you, and just thinking about him made your knees grow weak and your body warm in embarrassment.

"I can't believe he made me run 10 laps yesterday," Eren scowls. "Just because we got a little dirty."

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