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Captain's Omega
Chapter 2

Slamming the door behind you, you let out a strangled moan as you drop to the floor. Your thighs rub together aggressively as you crumble into a hot mess.

This was worse than the first time you experienced heat. Even worse—you were sure Captain Levi knew. This was it. You were going to be kicked out of the corps, or even worse...

Since omegas were rare, news of your second gender would likely cause a stir, and you knew many alphas were going to be lining up to have you. Which was the last thing you wanted; or was it?

At this moment in time, as the heat began to burn you from the inside out, you'd gladly accept an alpha to clench the fire. But you knew better, a life of an omega was nothing short but torture; at least that's what you had been told.

Shredding your uniform, you jump into your bed and begin getting to work at trying to sustain yourself. Oh, how you wished your hands belonged to a strong loving alpha, whose only purpose was to please you. God, you would kill to have someone ravishing you right.

Maybe someone like...Captain Levi?

The man was handsome and strong; surely a great alpha and maybe lover in bed. You wondered how it would feel to have such a highly respected man, bow to your feet as he pleasured you. Just the thought of it made your toes curl and your body squirm.

Of course, it was all fantasy. A man like that wouldn't want a lowly omega like you; especially one who lied their way into the corps. You were nothing but a cadet, why would he waste his time with you?

Another moan slips from lips as you imagined him slipping his fingers deep into you. How big would he be? Would you be able to take it?

Would he be gentle or rough? You hadn't known the man for more than a day, yet all your sexual fantasies revolved around him. Yet you tried to imagine someone else, anyone else, but your mind went right back to the brooding Captain.

Tossing and turning, you knew this was going to be a long week.


Meanwhile, Levi had to restrain himself after he had sent you away. How could they accept an omega in the corps?! We're they mad?! Did they want the pathetic thing to be eaten alive?!

He had noticed you at the mess hall, a small thing you were, pretending to be like everyone else around you. He should have known then that you were different; your body was smaller than the others, and your face was significantly more attractive; a common trait of omegas. The way you took off moments after his arrival, he thought you nothing but a scared little brat that managed to slip through basic training.

However, what really set him off was when he stepped close to you, and the wind carried your scent right into his nostrils. Not only were you a damn omega, but you were an omega in heat. In his twenty-seven years of life, he had never smelt something as delicious. Every fiber of his being had been turned on and he was surely going to experience his first rut if he didn't leave now.

"Captain?" He heard a voice and he looked up to see Erwin giving him a confused look. "Why did you dismiss that cadet?"

Levi swallowed back the saliva that had pooled in his mouth. If he ratted you out now, you would surely be taken away. Omegas were desired in the city, and surely you would be sold to the highest noble.

"She was ill, and I don't need sickness in my training grounds," he managed to bite back, his fist clenched as he began to walk around. The scent had faded and he was able to see clearly now. "Let's continue."

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