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Captain's Omega
Chapter 1

A small breeze filters through the small window of your dorm room. You groaned as you twisted and turned in your small cot, wishing for some kind of relief from the hot summer night. Groaning, you kicked your small blanket off your body and gave a sigh of aggravation. Sweat covered your skin, and your hair was a tangled mess.

Finally, you decided that sleep was not going to happen and you sat up in your bed. This was the third night you tossed and turned from how uncomfortable the heat was. Usually, you would pass out from exhaustion and the heat didn't bother you, but for some reason, the past few days were practically unbearable.

Training that day was unusually hard for you and your muscles were sore and achy along with feeling extra heavy. You normally were one of the best cadets in your squad, but lately, all you wanted to do was stay in bed. A few visits from the doctor gave you nothing but a pass on the afternoon PT and instructions to get rest. Which you wish you could if it wasn't so fucking hot.

Living in an unapologetic world with man-eating monsters was normal for you. At a young age, you knew you wanted to join the military and after some convincing from your mother, you joined the survey corps.

You worked hard to score at the top of your class, passing both physical exams with flying colors. However, there was one drawback you had that you absolutely hated about yourself.

In this world of titans and cadets, there were also secondary genders assigned to everyone at birth. You had your alphas, the elite part of society. The beta, your average person with no obligations or roles. And then you had omegas: weak, emotional, and hormonal beings that sole purpose was to serve and breed with an alpha. It was embedded in your DNA to submit to the superior gender, and no matter how much you wanted to deny it, you were subjected to the quarterly heat cycles that turned you into a raging needy bitch.

You did pretty well with hiding what you really were. With natural suppressant herbs and scent maskers, you blended in with the other betas, doing the one thing you wanted to do; kill titans.

After the death of your father, you vowed to be part of the military corps so you could kill as many titans as you could. And you weren't going to let being an omega stop you.

However, on nights like these, you wished more than anything to be safe in your home.

You've never truly experienced a heat before. You were pretty good at taking your suppressants, but resources were getting scarce day by day. You had to switch from taking it every day to every other day to every three days.

Unfortunately for you, the supply wagon that gets delivered to the corps was delayed by a week due to a broken wagon, so you hadn't been able to get any suppressants the past few days. You wondered if the heat you were feeling was the onset effects of your heat cycle, and if that was the case you were severely fucked.


The scent of an omega is extremely attractive to alphas, and anyone of your alpha comrades would come kicking your door down if they smelt it. Being an unmarked omega was like putting a target on your back, especially when you're surrounded by sex-deprived cadets that would probably jump at the opportunity to breed a willing omega.

It scared you because you knew how dirty the military was, and you would not be safe if an alpha caught your scent and decided to take advantage of you.

Walking over to the small bedside table, you reached in the drawer and pulled out a bundle of flowers and herbs you picked up in town the other day, crushing the petals and pollen and spreading it over your scent glands. This was the best you could do for now, and hopefully faking a stomach bug the next few days would stall you some time till you could get the suppressants.

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