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Captain's Omega
Chapter 8

After the wall breach and battle with the titans, the squadron only suffered a few losses. It reminded you how fragile life was and how much harder you needed to train. The backlash you thought you would receive never came. In fact, people looked at you with pity rather than hatred.

You walked the training ground with Armin, Eren, and Mikasa trailing behind you. Your wrist was healing nicely but you still couldn't use your EDM gear.

You first noticed the stares as you made your way back to your dorm and the next day the whispers began. You did your best to ignore them, hiding behind your three friends anytime you would see people starting to talk.

"They want to know why Captain Levi rushed you away so quickly over a sprained wrist," Eren explained, and you could only scowl and look away.

"I don't know why that man does anything," you had told him.

They had dropped the subject after hearing the tension in your voice, but that didn't stop your other squadmates from the assault of questions.

Jean, who typically leaves you alone, began to pay more attention to you. The tall horse face man came up between you and Armin, throwing an arm over your shoulder as he walked beside you. "Hey L/N, glad to see you made it out alive. I was worried there for a second," he jokes and you give him an uninterested look. "Good thing our captain was there to save you."

"Hey leave her alone Jean," Eren barked behind you, throwing a glare at to taller man.

"Was I talking to you, Yeager?" Jean shoots back at him. "I mean, I'm just saying. Captain's came through for many of us, but did you see his face when he thought you were about to be a goner!? Man, the strongest man in the world was ready to kill."

Biting your lip, you had to hold back the smile threatening to form. "He just didn't want to lose any more men," you defended. "I wasn't even supposed to be out there, so he would probably feel more guilty if I died."

Jean shakes his head. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say he has a soft spot for you. Letting you leave training early, holding you back from a dangerous mission, then heroically whisking you away to safety for injuries that he'd make most of us push through."

You stopped your walking, causing the group to pause. The irritation you felt began to turn to anger as you glared at your comrade. "Kristein, I don't know what ideas you have in that small head of yours, but you can leave me out of it. Whatever you think is going on is bullshit!" You snapped aggressively. "Even if Levi was treating me differently that has nothing to do with me nor would I ever care if he did."

As you continued your rant, Jean's face drops as he stands up straighter. "Levi could drop to his knees and treat me like a princess and I would not give a fuck! He's nothing but an arrogant big-headed lunatic that's good with a sword. So if you know what's good for you, you'd drop the subject and stop bringing it up!"

As you finished your shout, you looked at your peers to see their faces filled with fear. Good, maybe for once people will start taking you more seriously," you thought. But as you heard a voice clear from behind you, you nearly jumped out of your skin. Spinning around, you saw the devil himself standing with a disapproving expression.

"C-captain!" You blurt, falling into a salute with your cheeks growing hot.

"Oh, now I am a captain?" He sneers, referring to your use of his first name so freely. "Looks to me my graciousness had gone to your head."

You wanted to punch him out and sprint away as fast as you could. You opened your mouth to speak, but his icy stare was enough to shut even the fiercest warrior up. Levi's skill and reputation alone were enough to make him the most feared member in the corps; disrespecting him bluntly in front of your comrades was definitely not going to go unpunished.

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