Mind link of Mother Memories

Start from the beginning

Our Dearest Princess,

Wow, can't believe you are 18. You are not our little sweet baby anymore. You are our sweet annoying adult child now. LOL! We love you so much, always remember that. Happy Birthday!

Love Always, Dad and Mom

Catherine puts that necklace on too. She decides to go walk in the garden. She was always told not to go past the big hedges, past the small river because the other side is not our territory.

>>> Interruption<<<

Salenia: Salene, hurry up. Catherine is about to walk past the hedges.

Salene: I'm here. You don't have to yell.

Salenia: We have to do this while mom and dad are away. You have to give Micha's mate to Howie. Micha will become Catherine mate.

Salene: I don't know. I don't want something bad to happen to my wolves. Plus, there never been a fairy and wolf paired as mates.

Salenia: Well... They weren't mates but do you remember the warrior female fairy who fell in love with that wolf that lost his mate in a rogue attack? They had children too.

Salene: I forgot about that. The fairy genes and powers weren't passed down to their pups. Seriously, sis I don't think we should do this.

Salenia: Salene, it's about time we get species to connect with each other. There have been too many wars against species. If we don't try this I might have to go against mother and father's orders and just have all the living Royals and warriors eliminate all the species that are causing these wars. I'm sorry but that includes your precious wolves.

Salene: Okay! I know your Royals and warriors are the strongest and most powerful species and they could do that. So, let us try this out then.

Salenia and Salene put their minds together and said a few words and the switch of mates were made.

>>> Interruption Complete<<<

While lost in her thoughts Catherine walked past the hedges.

Warrior: STOP! Princess you can't pass these hedges.

Catherine: No! I am an adult and your soon to be Queen. I want to see the river. You are here to keep me safe since I haven't got the training for my powers.

Warrior: Fine! Don't tell your parents I let you look at the river.

Catherine: Deal!

While the walked to the rivers they could see some normal fairies working on making some trees and flowers grow. As they got closer to the river...

Warrior: Princess you are glowing golden. Your warrior mate is nearby.

Catherine: How is that possible? Royal's mates are usually the warrior who is assign to them at birth. Howie is away for training.

Warrior: I don't know Princess.

They walked to the edge of the river. They looked across it. They see a wolf across the river injured. Catherine starts to fly across the river.

Warrior: STOP! Princess this is not our territory.

Catherine: Watch me! That wolf is injured and is my mate.

Warrior: Never in our known history books was any type of fairy paired with a wolf. I'll come with you.

Catherine: Well, I guess our Fairy Goddess has a reason to pair me with a wolf.

Catherine mind linked her parents.

Catherine: Mom, Dad, I have some surprising news to tell you.

Laura and James (together say): Sweetheart, tell us later. We are very busy with this fire and war.

Catherine: Ugh! Fine!

 Catherine and the warrior fly over to the wolf. Catherine is amazed at how big and beautiful the wolf is. She sees the big bites marks and scratches all down the wolfs back.

Wolf: Whimpers and wines.

Catherine: I'm not going to hurt you. I think you are my mate. This is my warrior guard and we are going to help you. I don't understand why you are not healing fast as you should.

Wolf: Whimpers. (Eyes then closed)

Catherine: NO! Warrior heal him NOW!

Warrior: Princess, he has been hurt with a silver dagger. My healing abilities are not strong enough. We must take him to the castle and you will have to heal him.

Catherine: What? I can't heal him I haven't been trained.

Warrior: Let us get him to the castle and I will teach you to heal him. It is really simple. We can't do it here. It is dangerous because we are not on our territory. Anyone who sees us could think we were the ones to hurt him.

Catherine: Fine! I'll carry him. We will fly to my bedroom balcony. I have left the doors open to get fresh air in my room.

 Catherine picks the wolf up and begins to fly. Half way there she hears a whimper and looks down into the wolfs eyes.

Catherine: You're fine. We are almost to my castle and my room. Then I will be able to heal you.

Wolf: Whimpers. (Eyes closed again)

 Once they went through Catherine's balcony doors, she laid him on her bed not caring about the blood.

Warrior: To heal him, just close your eyes, put your hands above his wounds, feel for the healing abilities, and then think about healing him.

 Catherine does exactly what she was told. Her hands started glowing blue and the blue light spread over the wolfs wounds healing him.

Her Revenge on her Fake MateWhere stories live. Discover now