The other boys treated her like everything was normal, it itched to ask them if they had heard anything from him but she decided not to. they obviously knew where he was, there were his closest friends and they all looked normal so it was clear that he was okay as well and was none of her business anyway.

She continued to drag the trashbin exhaustedly but stopped in her tracks when she noticed a familiar figure a few yards away.

Sydney pushed her glasses forward a bit, squinting her eyes a bit and for sure , in all his glory ,was leaning against his very nice , very expensive car. Dressed in a simple black sweatshirt and bottoms with sneakers, he stood with his perfect brows furrowed in concentration as he looked at something on his phone till she came into clear view.

"Dayn?" Sydney called out , dropping the trash bag on the pavement .
Dayn stuffed his phone as he watched her walk over to him , staggering with a garbage bag half her size ,"back already?" She managed a smile

"Let me help you with that ,"dayn offered, taking the bag into his hands and effortlessly placing it in the dumpster.
"I came back last night actually"he informed her as the two walked towards his car.

They both took a moment to check eachother out. It had been just over a week since they last stood face to face like this . Aside from the constant texting and late night calls , she'd really missed him in real life. She'd missed the way he made her feel all warmth and fuzzy inside just like now. The proximity between them made her feel flustered and his intoxicating perfume only made the feeling more intense.

"Aw, you wear glasses?" Dayn said with a small smile ,raising her chin with his index finger , "cute"
She couldn't hide her flustered smile at his touch,"only when I don't have my contacts,"
"They suite you,"he complimented,"how've you been?"
"Been fine,"she answered looking into his brown eyes slightly covered by his dark bangs,"you?"
"Been impatiently waiting to see you,"he reached out for her hand,intertwining it with his,"now I'm here"
She blinked,"for our date?"
He nodded
"But",she pouted,"I'm not ready"
"You're not?"he asked in confusion as he stepped back a bit to look at her outfit,"you look fine" he tilted his head to the side a bit.

"I'm in my PJs"she waved at her outfit which was a large white shirt tucked lazily into shorts,"i just got outta bed"
"I understand,"he scratched the back of his neck,"I'll wait in the car" he suggested
"No , you can come in"she offered
"Sure?"he questioned, their hands still glued to eachother
"Sure,"she nodded pulling him with her .

"So you're still not gonna tell me any details about our date?"Sydney spoke up as she entered the elevator in front of Dayn.
"Seriously,"she pouted tugging onto his sweat shirt, feeling his muscular arm in the process,"how will I know what to wear"
"I was down with you wearing your PJs,"he smirked,"i don't care about what you wear. You'll look pretty in anything. You always do"
"Um,"she tried to bite back a smile,"okay is it indoors or outdoors?"
"Private or public?"
"I think that's too many hints for you,"he mimicked zipping his lips as the elevator doors opened once they reached the designated floor.

"V that's enough,"the two heard as Syd opened the door to their apartment.
"Oh ! Yeah Jackson,"Vanessa yelled a moan as she sped past the kitchen counter,"that's literally the only conversations you have with him when he sleeps over you freaky bitch!" She yelled dodging pillows being thrown her way.
"Can you not !" Rose screamed , shooting her another pillow
"Now i know why the whipped cream always vanishes every time he sleeps over,"she said with a sly smirk,"he be going down on yo-"
"Guys,"Syd interfered
Just then the two girls stopped their bickering and the pillow in rose's hand fell to the floor once she saw the person next to Syd,"seriously" she folded her arms over her chest.
"Oh my god , Dayn!" Vanessa squeeled , getting down from the sofa as she openly checked him out ,"you look hot"
"What is he doing here?" Rose asked with a frown
"He's here for our date i told you guys about , remember"
"I thought you cancelled that" she said through gritted teeth
"Ofcourse not , why would I ?" Sydney denied
"I thought after Hardin you wouldn't get involved with these guys "
"I'm right here you know" dayn cleared his throat
"I know and you're not supposed to be"
"Okayyyy,"Dayn waved his hands defensively
He cleared his throat as he saw Vanessa approach him and circle around him,"hie Vanessa"
"He's fit,"Vanessa suddenly speaks up ,nodding in approval
"Tall, lean , handsome , tattoos , broad shoulders, muscular thighs , nice firm ass..."
Sydney looks up at dayn and sees him slowly grin
"Thank you"
"Well it's obvious anyways" Vanessa replies
"A word Syd,"Rose says firmly
Sydney turned to Dayn who was still under intense observation by Vanessa
"You can sit there .. I'll be back in a minute,"she requests and he simply nods ,sitting by the couch and Vanessa sits beside him still scrutinizing his every detail

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