If opening up was what it took for her to get better then I was willing to listen so I remained mute as she continued talking,"then Hardin came along," a painful smile formed on her lips, one of love and betrayal at the same time.
"He offered to help me find him , help me find my boyfriend that was one of his best friends and in the process I ended up falling for him and I thought he fell for me too . Guess it wasn't reciprocated .All the times he claimed to love me I believed him because I couldnt handle otherwise. I thought with him it was to be different. In such a short amount of time I had fallen so hopelessly in love,"I heard her voice crack a bit as a lonely tear trickled down her cheek.
Seeing her like this made me angry at my friend for doing this to her and at myself for not being able to do anything to numb her pain.
She continued,“so hopelessly in love with someone I was ..and regretfully still am. And then Luca came back only for me to find out that relationship was also based on a lie .Imagine how I felt Leone.. and then .. and then I'm starting to feel for another one of your friends , funny isn't it? He's all I ever wanted .. But there's something missing in that feeling .. maybe because my stupid heart keeps delivering unreciprocated love .."

I know how that feels

Then she finally looked my way with pain in her eyes.
".....it hurts Leone . It hurts really bad and I'm not okay. I just want him to come back and tell me he didn't mean any of what he said but I know he won't and that hurts even worse." my heart clenched as I heard her chocked sob
"Hey ,"I reached for her hand and intertwined our fingers,"I'm here for you, okay? Everything will be okay trust me."I brought her hand up and gently kissed the back of her small hand.

I meant every word of what I said . I would always be there , no matter what. I would be there for her even if it meant leading myself on in the process. I would never want her to shed a single tear irregardless of who caused it.
"There's nothing wrong with you . You're not the cause of this " I tried to reassure her,"it's not a crime to fall in love Syd"

She remained quiet as I drove on for a couple of minutes before she broke the silence once again," I don't want to go home" she suddenly notified
"Excuse me ?" I looked at her once I reached a red light and came to a stop,giving my full attention to her.
"I'm just...not in the mood to answer any questions when they see me like this,"she explained,"I know their my friends and they care for me  but I just can't handle anymore questions at this point or i might just burst."
"So what do you want to do then?" I questioned as I drove along the almost-congested highway
"I just need to get away. I need to forget everything that happened today"she stared out the window , wiping away yet another tear,"I need to get wasted or something. " she dragged ,"Take me to Cheryl"she suddenly suggested

I didn't like the sound of this idea. The reasonable side of me knew there'd be consequences to this action. For crying out loud Rose works there. If I happened to bump into her with Syd then it'd be the end for me .

"I.. I don't think that's a good idea Syd,"i hesitated a bit . A frown formed on her lips at my response.
"Leone please . I don't want to party or anything I just need a stress reliever and I can't go home in this state."
"But you can't go home drunk either" I tried to argue
She squeezed my hand gently,"tomorrow is a weekend anyway Leone . Please"
I bit my lower lip as I contemplated
I sighed,"I'm going to regret this decision very much but fine"

I didn't like the sound of this
I hesitantly parked outside Cheryl club and switched the car off.
Great . There was a heller load of people I presumed from the lengthy queue outside the entrance. That wasn't good.
The threats from Savannah earlier resounded in my head. I couldn't let her get out there or else she'd get spotted by the paparazzi.
I restarted my car and drove just a short distance back where the private entrance of our club was. This was the path we used with Adam because he too wasn't to be spotted by the paparazzi. This entrance would lead straight to the VIP room , away from the crowd
I removed my seat belt and glanced at the passenger seat where Syd was spaced out , brows furrowed in concentration. I quickly got out of my car  and dashed over to open the door for Syd .
"Thank you for doing this," she managed a faint smile as she hoped out of the car,"i really need this"
I simply smiled back,"let's get you in the VIP room before anyone spots you or Savannah will literally cut my head off"

 The Only Exception:ETERNALLY Where stories live. Discover now