Chapter Three: Events: [1] Gharaneej, [2] Hajin, and [3] Susah

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Chapter Three: Events: [1] Gharaneej, [2] Hajin, and [3] Susah

Gharaneej In February 2018, the event of Gharaneej occurred. It was the village boarding the enemy forces, making it an easy target. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) planned their attack and stormed into the city from all sides. Women and children were not spared and were ambushed in the marketplace. Some brave sisters had no choice but to lift their weapons to defend themselves and their children. This was war and all its brutality. After a few days, a cease-fire agreement was reached between the SDF and the brothers. The SDF would permit the families to evacuate under one condition; no vehicles and they were to walk. So everyone in Gharaneej packed what they could carry and began the long, dangerous journey to Hajin. The walk from Gharaneej to Hajin took hours; however, some people were killed by snipers along the way. We ask Allah to accept them and have mercy on them.

Before the attack on Gharaneej, life was safe, and the enemy was far away. However, this was the first time in years since we made hijrah that we had experienced the enemy entering upon us in such a manner. Everyone was on high alert and was afraid of what the future held. Although I was not present during the attack on Gharaneej, news had traveled fast, and I was impatiently waiting in Hajin for the arrival of our people from Gharaneej.

Finally, a sister and friend arrived. She narrated the events and how she had to abandon everything except for the backpack on her shoulders and her daughter, then they made their journey on foot. She informed me to be prepared as things would become much worse in the future. If this happened once, it would indeed happen again. Pumped with adrenaline and fear, we hurriedly prepared our emergency backpacks just in case anything else happened. By the Mercy of Allah, He gave us a grace period, and things went calm again. However, everyone was still on edge and wanted to be prepared, so we exercised daily to gain strength, ate healthily, and strengthened our children because we did not know what the future would bring.

In August 2018, intense battles occurred between the Kurds and the coalition forces against the brothers. The State was weak and in defense mode. However, despite being small in number, the brothers put their trust in Allah and decided to attack the enemy in their maqars (military housing). Allah says in Surah Al-Anfaal, “Remember when the hypocrites and those with sickness in their hearts said, “These believers are deluded by their faith.” But whoever puts their trust in Allah, surely Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.” History repeats itself, and the exact words were uttered against us. During the ghazwa (the battle), a sandstorm caused the sky to turn brown. If you looked out the window, you could not see anything. This caused us extreme fear because we did not know if the ghazwa would be successful. However, by the end of the day, we got the news when the brothers entered the enemy housing, the Kurds ran away like the cowards they were. The brothers were then able to burn their belongings and free the captives of the previous ghazwa, and the sisters were exchanged for prisoners of the enemy. It was a beautiful ghazwa that brought joy to the hearts of the Muwahideen. Such was the matter of these intimate friends of Allah. As they planned their ghazwa, Allah gave them help from His soldiers, causing them to be victorious!

The enemy was plotting and trying to figure out the most effective way to take us down. They had two options: to attack us from Hajin (a much larger village) or launch an attack from Baghuz (a much smaller one). They eventually decided to attack from Baghuz’s side. It was an intense battle, and the enemy was victorious in seizing all three villages: Baghuz, Marashida, and Susah. After the battle, the enemy realized the ease of taking Baghuz. Therefore, in hindsight, we have a theory that they had changed their minds and decided to siege us in Baghuz and keep it as the last stronghold. A few weeks later, Baghuz, Marashida, and Susah were recaptured by the brothers. Then the enemy began to set their eyes on capturing Hajin, to which they would eventually make their way back to Baghuz.

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