Index and Introduction

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Chapter One: The Siege Begins

Chapter Two: Geographical Background

Chapter Three: Events [1] Gharaneej, [2] Hajin and [3] Susah

Chapter Four: The Fall of Hajin

Chapter Five: The Way to Baghuz

Chapter Six: Entering Baghuz

Chapter Seven: The Trenches

Chapter Eight:  The First Ceasefire

Chapter Nine: Mass Exodus

Chapter Ten: The Last Battles

Chapter Eleven: “They were true with Allah, so Allah was true with them”

Chapter Twelve: The Massacre Chapter Thirteen: The 19th of March

Chapter Fourteen: The Journey to al-Hol

Chapter Fifteen: I Enter al-Hol

Note: This narration of events is my personal experience and perspective. I might have experienced it differently than many others who were there. Since I could not keep documentation, pictures, or track of the dates and events that took place, the dates mentioned are a rough estimation. However, I tried to be as exact as possible. I ask Allah to make this beneficial for everyone who reads it. I pray it raises awareness of the battle of Baghuz and the horrors we experienced. I

I begin by praising Allah, the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth, the One who sent His Prophet right before the last hour with a sword that symbolizes justice. Then I send prayers and salutations upon His messenger, Muhammad, his companions, and his family. The battle of Baghuz left a deep pain in the hearts of those who were present and lived to tell the tale of its brave warriors. It often crosses our minds like it just happened yesterday. After many years, I decided it was time to share my side of the story and relieve myself of the memories that haunt me so that I do not have to carry them on my shoulders anymore. So here is the narration of my journey to Baghuz and the events that lead up to the fall.

The Last Front: Baghuz ~ My narration of the events leading up to the fall.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum