Chapter 1

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I was sitting in the living room in the place that I've called home for two years now. I was enjoying myself until Faith came in.
"Karliiiie!" She screeched.
"Yes?" I replied,looking up from the show I was watching. It was an FBI's Most Wanted special, and on the television now was a teenage boy,who looked no older than 18. He had blonde hair and these piercing blue eyes. I dont recall his name though,I believe it was Jake or Luke or something like that.

"I'm bored." Faith replied with a pout.

"And what do you suppose I do about that,Faith?" I replied,not looking away from the TV. Turns out this Luke dude has been spotted around town. Better be careful next time I go out.

"We should go to the movies! I hear Evil Dead is out!"

I looked away the TV for the first time. There was a blue haired boy on the screen. "You know I dont do scary movies Faith."


"No Faith." I replied, before looking back at the screen. A new boy was featured on the screen. Calum Hood. He was about two years older than me. It's such a shame he's a criminal, he's actually decent looking.

"Pretty please???" She begged with a pout.

I sighed, breaking my gaze from the TV. "Fine."

"I love you babes." She replied,hugging me.

"My conditions though," she groaned. I merely smirked.

"You buy me whatever I want, and we get to go to the arcade afterwards."

She thought it over for a bit before nodding. "You drive a hard bargain Settles."

"Oh sick it, it's reasonable." I replied,as I went upstairs to the room that Faith and I shared. I got changed into a simple white crop top and khaki skinny jeans. I slipped on my white Converse hightops and put my hair up in a messy bun. I then grabbed my phone and went downstairs to see Faith waiting downstairs,playing Angry Birds on her iPhone.

"Faith,I'm ready."

"Good. Lets go then."

And then we were off to the theater.


This chapter is basically fluff but I've had this story as a draft for so long and now I decided to actually do something with it, and truth be told I'm hella excited for it! :) this is basically just a filler chapter as well but it's the first official chapter!

Kidnapped. (Luke Hemmings)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang