Birds Eyes Accolade

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- At the world Summit Every Leaders from the whole world gathered in one place 
And also All Media, and Studios are also attending and filming the whole thing going on 
Why? Because the Queen of east and the President of the United forces Cecaniah is the one 
Holding the press conference,  Jabez from the Anti-Latent Termination Squad (ALT ) 
At both of him sat.  Kiana his Power house and Shiraishi his Navigator,  in the other side 
of the table is the Jin Emperium and The Leader Seat is vacant but the side seats were 
occupied Lydumila as Jin's Power house and Swiss as the Navigator however in the leader's 
Seat is occupied by a device which Cecaniah placed in there.  at the Upper side table 
Belongs to the Birds Eyes,  Which Celestia was Seated and Beside her is Arshila her 
Power house and Tessa as her Navigator.  at the Center table Belongs the Dissidents 
Which Cecaniah was Seated, Beside seated her Power House Lehm and Yukari 
Her Navigator. " Now we will start what we came here for" Cecaniah Spoke and every 
Leaders listened attentively. " I Cecaniah President of the United Forces of the Earth. 
Present to you my Quadside Framework. this means, there will be four factions that 
Will protect the entire world. From Greater and Stronger threats and upcoming delirious 
and perilous threats that may come to  this world, there the earth will now have an 
Omni-Directional protection from all sides.  Jin Empirium will protect the west 
ALT will protect the South and North and The Dissidents will protect The East 
And Introducing to you all. the new faction in our ranks and led by our one and only 
Defender.  Celestia and Birds eyes "  then everyone clapped their hands after hearing 
The Introduction "The Birds Eyes will be responsible to protect both present and the 
Future they will handle threats that threatens the timelines. and with this  with my 
Quadside Framework Nonpariel has nothing to fear!" Cecaniah finishes her speech 
And people around the world howling her name in respect and admiration and awe 
then she noticed Celestia is missing and raised her hand to silence the crowd 
" Jabez will now make a speech " Then Cecaniah stood up from her table and Jabez 
Turns on her "Thank you CC.  Aah now Start with mah own speech " Jabez said.  - 

[ World Summit ] 
[ Summit's Hallway ] 
[ London- England ] 
[ 8:00 PM ] 

Cecaniah: What's up? you Nervous? 
Celestia: This is the first time i have been into summit Grandma 
Cecaniah:  I See. indeed first times can be nerve racking  
Celestia: You are really Amazing Grandma you can always do 
Something Amazing always coming up with the solutions 
Cecaniah: If you only think of doing something that Amazes people 
You can't truly call yourself a Defender  
Celestia: Eh is it bad to be amazed and want to do something amazing? 
Cecaniah: No Celestia. The Defender Shouldn't be only thinking of their Feats 
its within the heart to do something without expectations to amaze someone 
Feats don't matter when the world is in Danger, if the Danger is Imminent 
You'd only do what you can do and you need to do. that's how a protector should act 
Celestia: I see sorry for thinking like that Grandma... 
Cecaniah: Besides if you think i am the smartest there is. then you are wrong 
Celestia: Eh What do you mean Grandma? 
Cecaniah: There is only one smartest person i couldn't ever beat and that 
Would be Veronica, and she taught me alot all about there is in Strategy and Tactics 
And to be honest with you, I Never won against her not even once. 
Celestia:  I see.  Just like Daddy admitting that he couldn't beat Grandma Lacia
And  Auntie Jin too admits that she could not ever win against Zaia 
Cecaniah: Because we know very whom raised us and saw their strength 
And yes three of us could not ever beat whom raised us. after all they were 
The best persons who had ever lived in our life and in our Memory 
Celestia: I am also sad that auntie Jin Couldn't attend my Accolade day
Ceceniah: Don't worry about that. i already got it covered  
Celestia: Thanks Grandma you are the best! 
Cecaniah: here is my advise as the First and oldest defender 
If you felt you are going to falter and give up, always remember 
What and whom you are fighting for, only in that moment you'll rise again 

- Meanwhile at the Conference hall,  " Tiny is about to finish his 
Speech " Lehm noted.  "Where did Miss Celestia Go?!" Tessa asked 
Worriedly  " AAAAAAAAAAA!"  ( Probably went somewhere due to  
Nerve Racking First time )  Swiss Responded " Ah she is with Milady 
They're on their way here now " Yukari Stated Assuring them and 
The other sighed in Assurance then Both Cecaniah and Celestia Returned to their 
Seat but Celestia Looking at the Empty Seat of Jin and Wearily Rubs her wrist 
Cecaniah Notices this and Whispers at Yukari,  and Yukari Nodded then she 
Tapped wrist watch and opens mini navigation channel, and does something on it 
Then yukari pressed her index on the Enter key button on her virtual monitor 
then the Device that was sitting on Jin's Seat Projects a large visual screen and 
It flashes Jin was seem facing the wall doing some miracles.  Celestia's Eyes 
Widen in Joy as she saw her aunt again " Stop Masturbating Buddy and Look at here!" 
Cecaniah Yelled at her "Ah son of--! " Jin Hurried Puts her pants back on and zips it 
Then she faces the camera that was placed on her table  Jabez and every leader 
Laughed at Jin's Timingly Shenanigans  then Sat on her bed  Lia as there to make sure 
That Jin is being taken care of around the clock.  " Hey Celestia, Congratulations on 
Your Faction's Accolade and Congratulations on Being recognized as one of the 
Prominent Leaders of the Factions that are in charge of protection of this world. 
May you help us and give us your strength to us as the defenders " Jin smiled as she 
Congratulates Celestia and This Made Celestia Shed Tears of Joy. the leaders gave 
Celestia some moment and then she sat down and pull her Mic towards her 
" My Name is Celestia Glaciaris Arkansas Youngest Daughter of  Jabez and Oriel, 
I am the recent fourth Defender and now the newly assigned faction leader of the 
Newly formed Birds Eyes. " She introduces herself  " We were given the Device that 
Was apparently made by Grandma Cecaniah and later Finished by her First Daughter Celia 
This Device lets see through the future and travel between present and future without 
the risk of creating paradox and parallel timelines.  " She Briefed " And the name of 
That Device is the Birds Eyes, which became the name of our company and our faction"
She explained " So as us the birds Eyes will ensure the safety of both present and future 
timeline of our world and make sure no harm and danger will pass along unnoticed. 
I can't make promises but i can assure you that me and my team and my company 
Will put our backs and dedication on safeguarding our world. so you can have my 
Words ease your worries people of this world. me, us and the defenders will do our 
utmost best to protect you all. that's all " Celestia Finishes her speech, Jabez, Jin 
Cecaniah, Yukari, Lehm, Kiana, Shiraishi, Lyudmila, Swiss,  Arshila and Tessa Gave 
her a standing ovation clapping their hands and the leaders from all of the countries 
Follows and claps as well followed by everyone in that summit and as well people 
Across the entire world watching this broadcast are clapping their hands for her - 

[ To Be Continued ] 

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