The Gathering of Evil Forces

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- Death And Wu Visited Demogorgon at his own house "what the heck do you want Sven?" Demogorgon asked with tone of animosity
" I want you to Join me be the part of my world ruling"
Death said with his proud chest high " I decline i already retired from the life of villainy go ask someone
else to do the dirty work for you " Demogorgon replied to
him death clicked his tongue
"whatever you have gotten
weaker demogorgon " He stood from his seat "you only got overconfident now because the smartest Mind in The nonpariel Currently  has disappeared "
Demogorgon added death gritted his teeth and walked away then he went to Pisa
in rome where the hideout of exelsiors are located in there he talked to corabelle
"what do you want?" she asked while she crocked her
Eyebrow up " Your older twin  sister is no longer
around " He started off "I
Know i am not that stupid "
Corabelle replied to him
" So do you want to join me in my conquest against the world domination by starting to takeover her precious east?" He briefed
" True i hated my sister but
not to the point to destroy what she had worked hard
for dont lump me in the likes of you " Corabelle responded
" This is why you are still a
D-Lister Villain!" Death yelled at her "Better than falling harder than Johnson
Later so i decline and go bother somebody else" Corabelle gave him a firm reply he clicked his tongue and walked away -

[ Republic of China ]
[ Chengdu Palace ]
[ 9:00 AM ]

Death: Those two! who the
hell they think they are?!
Wu: Well now calm down
Sven those two are weak to
begin with thats why
Death: Hmph whatever. have you captured your supreme will seaters?
Wu: Well Only Byakko and
Phytia, Ashena and Kiryuu
had ran away beforehand
Death: It must be that maid
Lehm if only she wasnt that
wickedly overpowered i would have pursue them
Wu: So you are scared of her
Death: Shut up Bitch
Wu: Alright fair enough but
what you will gonna do about the supreme seaters
Death: Hold them as hostage
so that we gonna have something that will hold back those remaining three
defenders from striking us
At our own threshold
Wu: You are making use of
the absence of the smartest
Tactician how very cunning
Death: I cannot beat Cecaniah i admit that and
Thats why i am more glad than anyone that woman had finally vanished
Wu: Yeah whatever Gate Keeper might had took the
woman i wanted the most but when she returned she
will be sundered to my hands once the east is ours

- " Sweet Cheesus Cripes " Sachiko reacted while hearing that through her reversal. Death went to the
underground sewers of the
Los Angeles where Omit and
Her gang were located at
" Cecaniah is gone this is the limelight for you guys once
i took over the world for us
we could do everything what we wanted " Death briefed to them " Does this
Involved Jabez?" Yancy asked " of course" Death added " Alright I'm in" Yancy replied " I'm Joining" Chiara
added " Interesting count me in " Singe jumped in " That's
a yes for me" Angular added
" Sign me up" Geralt joined in " I'm in...." Evil Jabez roze
his hand up weakly " Jeez
What happened to you?!"
Death cringed at EJ's State
"what do you expect Lehm
Pummeled me down after trying to prevent the escape
of two supreme will seaters"
Evil Jabez Replied to him
" I'm In " Star added " Count
Me in " Transonic joined in
the convo " I Decline" Omit
Replied " Huh why?" Death
asked " I'd only go after Jabez on my own way i do not want to join such idiocy"
Omit added then everyone
aside from Omit Agreed to
Join Death then Death went to Los Angeles Prison afterwards " Huh world domination? hahahaha why
would i join you? No I Decline i am perfectly fine
and safe here " Galalig replied to Death and Death
left in Frustration then he
Went to where Johnson and
Jean was " Sorry pal i dont
plan to have my ass kicked anymore so i decline" Johnson replied to him
" Sure i would love" Jeane
replied with a smirk then both shakes hands and Johnson sighed he knew what will the outcome be
then Death heads to the Headquarters of gauntlet
he sat in sofa in opposite direction of the members
" there is no Cecaniah to keep us at bay now would you guys want to Join me
in my conquest against the
world?" He asked "Does it
involves Jabez?" The player
Asked " of course" Death
Replied "so Jin is also involved in this?" The Combatant asked "surely you bet " Death replied to him " Alright count me in!"
TP And TC Said in unison
Dungeon Master sighed and
Facepalmed "whatever do you want you idiots " he added and sighed again
" I'm interested count me in as well " The Puppet Master
Added " I am not Joining Death this is stupid "DM added with a scoff then with
Three Gauntlet Members Joined Death heads back
to the Chengdu Palace -

[ Republic of China ]
[ Chengdu Palace ]
[ 9:00 PM ]

Wu: so when do we strike
the Eastern countries?
Death: Dont be in hurry even the united nation federation has stowed away
Dissidents are still a threat
Wu: And how is that so?
Death: Shan is Immune Against The Player's Power
And Yukari is also Immune
Against the Power of the
Puppet Master as well
Wu: I See that's all?
Death: Wu do you understand why i had invaded Japan first? and Plagued the whole country with monsters its because of
them the Dissidents
Wu: So you are planning to
Use monster crisis again?
Death: Unfortunately that
Blasted Cecaniah developed
a Sonar Against monsters so
I am taking a new approach
Wu: Oh? and what is it
Death: Without Cecaniah the
Dissidents are just bunch of
Disorganized Mob i can guarantee you there will be
a Fight amongst themselves
Wu: Very Clever Death and
There is No Cecaniah to see
through that kind of Plan
Death: Exactly Wu thats what i am waiting right now

[ To Be Continued ]

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