The Fourth Defender

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- the four takes their meeting on a round table with seats on them "Aah remember ya got sumtin to
say about CC" Jabez Reminds
her " i found a solution for
turning a prototype neo sigma back to a human again " Cecaniah replied
" But Grandma are you sure that would work? Antipotenta is the power to be the Anti to All and everything reversal is to
reverse everything and rebuttal is to Rebutte everything three powers that are not meant or imposssible to combine"
Celestia Replied to her " CC
Based from what you had sent me these things dont even have a skeleton and cellular structure to begin
with its like a doll with organs, Flesh and skin "
Jin added " Alright ill explain
on how to pull then " Cecaniah responded the three looked at her and nodded " recently i managed
to make up a defense against
evil celestia's reversal using
Boise's Helix droid barrier "
when Celestia heard about her evil version Grits teeth in rage but Jabez shook his
she simmered down " then
ill use boise's power to trap the reversal blessing and rebuttal blessing inside the barrier that had resistance against the two aalong with the antipotenta capsule ore "
cecaniah added " But CC even they are inside the droid barrier three of them will continue to reject each other " Jin replied to her
" To link them to each other
thats where my white chains
come in its irae's chains enhanced by boise's power
to hold the three and bind them inside the sphere then
ill use the Writhe Imprisonment to infused them to each other storing
them inside the medium which is the capsule ore " Cecaniah responded " Uhh
Writhe Imprisonent?" Celestia asked in confusion
while Jabez and Jin felt the
dread from hearing the name writhe " when i was at Training in kingdom of wrought For three months all known powers behaves unfunctioned while
our unique powers behaved
in passive yet manifestable"
Jin was impressed That Cecaniah survived kingdom
of wrought and Jabez as well
since he know that place is
known to torment any being
eternally and painful than death as well  "but then i was never taught to do the blessing part" Jin replied
" Mee too Aah been not taught by teach about that Aah Haven't Fully Mastered
it yet " Jabez Added "hmm i
suppose i can tell what i know during my time at the
world of contents to do a essence blessing you have to
channel your power and letting it flow without your
mind being interrupted to
the medium or the lifeform"
Cecaniah explained " CC you
genius motherfucker. alright
lets do this " then three of them stood up from seats

Cecaniah puts down the Antipotenta capsule ore activating her Alikescience her eyes glows blue with Red "u" on her irises accessing Jabez and Jin's Memories about reversal
and rebuttal then Jabez and Jin held their palm nigh the ore and focused their minds
up and channels the reversal
and rebuttal imaging the two powers and letting it flow the towards the ore the essence transforms into illuminating orbs moving towards the ore Cecaniah place a helix droid barrier on the ore resistant against
rebuttal and reversal then the two essence bounces off the core the three essences continues on rejecting each other then the white chains
manifested from the surface
of the ore restricting the essences of their movements
then Cecaniah Utilized the
Writhe Imprisonment on the
ore and the chains pulls the
essences inside the ore itself
storing them and eventually
fused each other passively
"Success " Cecaniah picked up the the capsule ore "all
that is left is confronting the
Blonde Little girl or lets say
the Prototype neo sigma "
She added " Alright ill lead
you there " Jin suggested then they went to the riker's
Island and eventually reached the Riker's Overtake
Control Shelter then they headed to the Cell No.0 where the blonde little girl
was kept at they stood infront of the cell door "well
we are here " Jin said with a
careful " Dont die on us Bud"
She added " if i died here then i am a fool but if i lived
through this then i am wise"
Cecaniah made a reference
which made Jin chuckled then Jin placed her hand on
the biometric " Aah'm behind this door if sumtin
happens kay?" Jabez added
Cecaniah nod and entered then the door closed itself
Jin turned on the speaker connected to the  microphones inside the cell

"well well look  what we got here all of nonpariel's defenders are here to visit here " the  Little girl said in low cold male voice as she hopped off her bed " Looks like my silence has botherer you too the smartest mind in nonpariel " she added " Your
silence and patience? bull.
you are just waiting for the god key and have him devoured you whole to complete the Neo Sigma infestation process in earth
that can even plagued both present and  the future since the past were completely guarded by the four mysterious beings under the
orders of gods  " Cecaniah replied at her the little girl
furrowed her eyebrows
" How did you know that?!"
she added with a hiss " idiot
there are no plans and strategies that cant be read by me " She replied " Okita is
supposed to kill you how are
you even still alive?" the little girl trailed off " Oh that
Prototype Neo Sigma aside from you he is dead i am the one who took his life " Cecaniah replied the little girl gritted her teeth " My
Friend may unable to reply to say and chose silence is not because of cowardice its
because she is still making herself more badass than before " Cecaniah Said with
a Smirk on her face " we are
the Defenders its our role to stop any threats and dangers
that may come to the world
even it means moving before
the threat even gets manifested true i cant stop the awakening of the god key but at the point we are at the height of our power to
fight your true kind" Cecaniah pointed her finger at her the little girl squinted
her eyes at her  " Then you dont if i break this place and
get out of here " then she
slowly transforms into centipede " Oh you are not
going anywhere lass " Cecaniah replied then toggled on her alikescience

- Cecaniah snapped her finger transporting them into Boise's personal reality
Marble the whole surrounding is wholly blue
colored the pavement are blue transparent tiles and the whole background are colossal transparent chess pieces such as bishop, rook
and queen and the walls were Blue Droid Dna and Blue Dna Helixes floats above them Jin, Jabez and celestia were behind Cecaniah " As you can see this my personal reality marble every powers and casualty are negated here power levels and defenses and evasiveness are not applicable here even the dungeon of dungeon master
wont be utilized here " Cecaniah stated " Hmph! you
seem to be confident in your
strength!" the giant centipede slithered towards
her at override speed it crashes its head against the automated boise barrier and fell in the ground " i forgot to say Boise's power is the strongest defense to exist "
Cecaniah replied then the blue chains pulls the centipede up and constricts themselves on it flames of wrought begun tormenting him pain worser than death
its agony made the girl resurfaced from its insides
Jin and Celestial cringes from that sight " PLEASE HELP ME!! " the girl screamed "yeah i know little lassie " Cecaniah shoved the capsule ore to the mouth of
the girl " Graaaaaahhh!" the centipede yelped and become separated completely from the girl then the girl falls into a peaceful sleep as her anatomy begun to change into that of a human her own soul returned to her body too due to the effects
of combined antipotenta,
Reversal and rebuttal essence the conversion of Neo sigma on her has been undone then the centipede
rises up again " You are still standing up i guess ill kick your ass " Jin readies for combat " No need he wont last right gate keeper " Cecaniah interrupts " You
Knaving Little girl! you had
countered me Again! " GK
roars angrily " I cant helped it my mother is a smart lady"
Cecaniah joked about her
Hereditary " This is not over!
ill make sure you will disappear! " After GK left the centipede the centipede turned into ashes then Cecaniah deactivated the personal reality marble then she kneels down infront of Celestia taking her hand
" Celestia Luddenberg I Bestowed to you the Role of the Nonpariel Defender as its Fourth just like your father did to me " She kisses
Celestia's Hand as sign of
respect and as well as her acknowledgement to the new defender she then stood up and smile at the young defender "so uhh what we gonna do to the little girl "
Jin asked " well Aah personally think My Daughtie should bring Her
to her family as her first mission as defender " Jabez
Suggested both Cecaniah and Jin agreed then Cecaniah bade the three an see you later then teleported
back to her headquarters -

[ To Be Continued ]

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