Chapter 1

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Just yall know I won't post that many pics as to the chapters being longer and I'll post the pics of the characters you may have forgotten looks of. Some regular faces like All Might and Qrow won't have the pics as you know how they looks. Also the lewdness will have thr links to the pics or gifs and the link will be in the comments as well. Now let's start.


-3D POV-

Our story starts in the evening of the friday night and our attention shifts to the Headmasters office of Union Academy.

Our story starts in the evening of the friday night and our attention shifts to the Headmasters office of Union Academy

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In the said office we could see 3 people looking what looks like applications. Those people are Nezu, Ozpin and General James Ironwood. One application however, caught Nezu's attention.

Nezu: Oh what's this?

Ozpin: Something interesting?

Nezu: You could say that. This application is inside the letter. Never seen that someone did something like this.

James: Maybe it was sent here? We had instances where some students couldn't come and apply directly so they sent the application.

Nezu: True. Let's look through it then.

He opened the letter and took out the piece of paper where our main protagonists profile was. He started to read through it and after a minute he was very interested in what he read.

Nezu: Very interesting, I suppose he's the first person to have such goal.

James: Elaborate.

Nezu: In the application, in under the question "what is your goal to become a hero/huntsmen?" He wrote "I don't have a goal and I'm not planning to become a full time hero. I just want to learn and get the license so I could help people without law problems"

Ozpin: Yes that's new. Is there his home address?

Nezu: Yes, his home is near the edges of the city.

Ozpin: Then why don't we pay him a visit?

Nezu: Why not. James?

James: You go without me. I still have to review the rest of the applications for Atlas.

They nodded and left the office leaving Ironwood alone. As soon as they left however he slammed his head onto the table with tired expression present.

James: I shouldn't have accepted the offer to be a headmaster, I had enough work with Atlas, now I have to deal with both. Damn it.

Meanwhile both Ozpin and Nezu were arriving to the location via a bullhead. The bullhead landed on the road and they stepped out while the said bullhead left to refuel. Nezu then guided Ozpin to the building that was on the address which was a small 2 story restaurant.

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