Chapter 11 archive

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"Thirty-nine, Is the number of steps on the grand staircase. I do think that having you two thoroughly clean it is a fair punishment. You will sweep every one of the steps. After that, you wash and dry them." Madam Eithne explained. She is an older woman who has worked at the castle since long before we were born, we have known her for so long that she feels like family. She is stern but has her kind side. Eithne is the Steward of the Royal Court, she controls the household affairs, making sure everything is clean and neat. That there is food on the table and everyone and everything is paid. "Well get onto it you two, and do not rush the job it has to be done well." I take the two brooms and hand one to Zora, before walking up the stairs to start sweeping. When we are halfway down Madam Eithne says she has other duties to attend to, leaving us alone. Well, almost alone. Across the hall, two guards stand on duty.

"I despise cleaning," Zora complains. "This is a cruel and unjust punishment, I am a princess and should not be treated like a servant." Trying to ignore her, I keep sweeping the dirt off the stairs, three more to go. You should think that at my age, I would be too old to be punished by my father. But that is not how my life is, you don't go against your parents. Especially not when he is a king, I am forever stuck doing my father's bitting. "Valor! Are you even listening to me?" Zora ask. Her annoying voice is competing for my attention with the voices that keep whispering for me to push her down the stairs, a tempting suggestion. "No, can you stop complaining, this punishment isn't that bad, this is nothing compared to some of the other things Father has put us through. Remember what happened at the winter solstice celebration." I see the fear in her face over the reminder of the caning she got. Push her down the stairs, push her down the stairs.  I hear being whispered. With Zora being quiet I am left alone with only the voices in my ears.

Finally done sweeping, I go and get the heavy pail of water. It is warm for having been boiled and has a salty smell to it, no doubt the water is from the sea. A block of lyan soap is floating in it. Zora watches as I carry the pail up midway on the stairs "Are you gonna help or what?" Zora takes a dry rag, "You wash then I dry them off," she suggests. "Fine by me," I say walking to the top of the stairs with the wet one. "So Valor. What is your plan?" Zora asks. "Plan? What are you talking about?" "About the girl, she is a deserter, which makes her a traitor to us, I have doubts about how eager she is going to be about helping you in any manner whatsoever." I sit down on the step, Zora does have a point. "Well, what do you think I should do. After all, she was your guard" I say. "Know her? She was a guard I don't spare them any thought." Making a sigh, I can't handle more of her attitude today "Let's just get back to work."

When we finally finished cleaning every step, the supper was about to be served. Which meant we had to sit at the table in our dirty clothes. Of course, Father had given us a lecture for not changing, when Zora tried to say we just finished cleaning and had no time to change. He replied that wasn't an excuse for coming dressed like this, and if Teival weren't here he would have sent us to our room without supper. I wish he had. As Duke Teival spent the entire time talking about the border expansion. "The border villages should be the first ones to receive guards I think." That is the whole reason for the wedding, my sister is being sold for land. My father is sitting at the end of the table. I am on his right, my sister Zora is by my side and Keisha is by her side. Usually, Keisha sits on the other side beside Malika. But Teival has received that spot. Steering my food around, my hand aches. My entire body is soar, but my head is damm right tortured, the voices feel painfully loud tonight. I already felt full from the first course, this second one I could go without, besides I don't particularly like pork "Why are you having fish, don't you like pork?" I hear Keisha ask Teival. Looking at him I see him smile when replying "I don't know I never had it." Keisha most likely was confused over his answer. "Why, it's so good?" "It might be but my religion forbids eating pork." "But that is weird," Keisha says. I do agree with her, what good comes from prohibiting food? "Keisha we don't disrespect other people's religion, it's against his religion there is no more to be said on the matter." My father lectures her.

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