Chapter 4 Teival

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Valor POV

The sight of the city is striking, from the top of the chilly stone wall, there separate the city streets and the castle yard. The monastery is towering over the many wooden buildings there make up the city. It's rare I experience this view, given that I spend the majority of my time on the east side of the castle, which faces the sea. Despite it being late in the evening, the sky is only slightly darker than it was at midday. It's the light times, which means the sun virtually never leaves the sky. At least not before any honest person has gone to rest. The wall is made with one even stone, making it easy to climb, but those stones are rough, they have left scratches all over my hands. A couple of guards are walking along the wall, I need to get down before they notice me. After taking one last look at the city, I turn back towards the castle and jump. A burning sensation spreads in my legs as I land on the ground. Standing just a bit from where I landed is Zora with her arms crossed, annoyed I took so long. "I am going out again tomorrow," I tell her. "We already spend the entire day looking for that girl" She snorts. We spent hours walking the city streets looking for the singer but to no avail. But I don't care if I have to spend the rest of my life looking for her. The voices are still yet to return, her ability is my saving. No matter how long it takes, I must find her.

"Who are you looking for, if I may ask?" startled I turn around. We are caught, but thank heavens it is just our big sister. Malika is sitting on a garden bench, her black curly hair tied up on the back side of her head, her dark skin giving off an orange glow in the sunset light. Just beside her is a pale man with black hair, "Shall we pretend we didn't just see you climb over the wall your Highnesses?" he says while trying to keep his laughter under control. Clearly, he is amused by the situation.

"Are you gonna tell our father, Teival?" Zora ask. "I doubt tattling on my new sister and brother-in-law will be in my best favour." He replies. Even though Duke Teival is betrothed to my older sister, they should not be out here alone, it's unseemly. "If you don't tell about us, then we will pretend we didn't see you out here alone without an attendant," I say. Malika huffed reply "We are getting married in a couple of days we don't need an escort to sit in the garden." Even if she was with her ladies-in-waiting, she should not be outside without a guard watching her. I know it's hypocritical of me to think this. But still, I can not help it, I do not like Teival. When He arrived, he refused to kiss the hand of my sister. Apparently, it's against his religion to touch females who isn't family. Doesn't stop him from being alone with her though.

"Father was displeased about your lagging presence at dinner." Malika relayed to us. "Oh no, we missed our father's precious dinner, how will we manage." Zora's voice was dripping with sarcasm. And unfitting way for a princess to behave. But I don't blame her, I could not care less about our daily dinner with Father. "Why were you sneaking out? and to this late in the evening?" Teival asks us. "Boredom, mostly on Zora's part," I tell him. "There are safer ways to cure boredom, your Highness." True, but there ain't safer ways to cure my curse. Teival needs to leave, so I can talk with my sister without his annoying voice interrupting.

"Malika, can we talk privately?" I ask. "Privately? I am sure whatever it is, Teival can listen in." They barely know each other, why is she defending him to be here? ridiculous. "Malika it's about my issue." I look down at the grass, trying to avoid their stare. She knows about the curse. furthermore, she knows it's to be kept secret, so I expect her to tell Teival to leave. But he surprises me by speaking first "I can hear I am not welcome for this conversation, thus I will retire for this evening." he says while standing up. He then takes a bow, before making his way towards the castle.

When Teival had disappeared, Malika ask "Would you mind explaining what happened regarding the curse?" But before I can respond, she gasps. "You didn't hurt anyone did you?" Replying while walking towards her "No, I did not hurt anyone." taking a seat near her on the bench. "We were at the market and were listening to a street performer. She silenced the whispers." Malika appears unimpressed at this information. "I thought all music did that," she remarked. "Yes, and the voices return when the music stops. But they didn't return after I listened to her, and they still have yet to do so." Now Malika perked up "Where is this girl?" she inquired. Casting a glance down at the ground. "I don't know". Zora whines that we have no idea, as she had vanished before we could speak with her. "We searched for hours, walking up and down streets, but she was nowhere to be found." When She finishes her complaints about our searches for the girl. Malika queries. "Do you think it's permanent?". Taking a deep breath, The fragrance of the flowers being potent. "No, I do not think it is"

Looking around the yard, the apple trees were in bloom, the white flowers made it seem as if they were covered in snow. The guards I saw from the wall, walk past us, they bow in a sign of respect, before continuing. They do not show any emotions on their face, still, I am sure they wonder over how Zora and I are dressed. For a moment I enjoy the quiet sound of birds chirping and trickling water. The Ater River flows through not only the yard but the entire city. This is what I have longed for, a moment of peace. If only it would remain, but I don't think it'll last. If it were this easy, the curse would have been lifted a long time ago. But every spell caster who attempted it, failed. But somehow this street singer did the impossible. Still, nothing she did, could possibly have broken it, and even if it had, I need to find her, no one else has ever affected me in this way. "Do you think she might not be human?" Malika ask. Zora asks her what she means by that. "If she has this great power, that other spellcasters don't have. She might be a siren, fae or another race with magical singing abilities" Malikas concludes her speculation. If this girl is something miraculous, what exactly is she?

My sisters and I leave the garden separately, because Zora needs something to eat. I do wonder what the maids will say about how she is dressed. After all, gossip spreads quickly. Rushing through the dimly illuminated castle, eager for a chance to sleep in peace. Turning down the hall to the sleeping chambers. Coming to a holt, as I hear a voice I will always recognise. Alva's gentle voice echoes in the stone hall. "I just don't know if I should." She's standing in the hallway, at the entrance to her own bed chamber. Teival stands a few feet away from her. "I know it's a difficult decision, but you should take it," he urges. I inadvertently entered a private conversation. No other person, not a guard or a servant, is present in the hallway. The implication of them being alone could create a scandal, hurting both Alva and Malika. Continue towards them, I can't help but disturb them.

As I approach them, I cough to gain their attention. "What is going on?". Alva replies with a shaky voice "Nothing". Firmly lining my lips together. Looking from her to Teival. "Teival, this is the second time today that you ignore appropriate behaviour. A duke should realize that such conduct is unacceptable." After saying that I notice Teival getting wrinkles across his forehead. "I hope you're not implying I am making advantage towards Miss Alva". Teival is a stranger he could be any kind of man. "Well, I don't know your morals," I remarked. His jaw and lips tense. "I would never disrespect my fiance by engaging in such lascivious behaviour, this is the end of this discussion" Teival hissed. He then abruptly turns and hurries down the corridor "What was that? We were just talking " Alva asks angrily. "There was no reason for him to be speaking with you, especially not when you are unaccompanied" I try to argue. "As we are right now? Valor, it's terribly inappropriate and hypocritical of you to question Teivals morals," Alva says while opening the door to her bed-chamber.

"Alva please don't go," I say, grabbing her arm to stop her. She yanks it away from my fingers "Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" She is panting, her eyes tense and her mouth drawn back, exposing her teeth. Holding the arm I was attempting to grasp close to her chest, with the other concealing it. "I'm sorry," I say, my voice raspy. My throat has become dry. She is still frightened of me. She turns and walk into her bed chamber without another word, closing the door behind her. Slamming my hand against the closed door in frustration. "Break the door down, break the door down, she needs to be punished. She deserves to suffer." I sigh in despair, the voices have returned with their horrific demands.

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