Naruto: well what do you think baachan ?

*Naruto said calmly as a smirked appeared in his face at tsunade's shocked expression Her mouth was moving but no words came out as Naruto turned off his sage mode his tail and antenna disappeared as his skin and eyes went back to normal the bright blue disappearing from his body Naruto sat down he grabbed tsunade's shin and closed her mouth for her*

Naruto:now now baachan you'll catch flies if you keep your mouth opened like that

*Naruto said with a bit of smugness that he rightfully deserves to feel since he managed to surpass his old teacher managing to achieve something Jiraiya never could achieve completely, Tsunade slapped Naruto's hand away playfully but her playful slap still hurt so Naruto rubbed his hand*

Tsunade:that is incredible Naruto to be able to use something that from my knowledge only like the 1st and 4th Hokage managed to do how the hell did you managed this in a week?!

*Naruto smile got bigger and more smug as he crossed his chair and started playing with his nails*

Naruto:did the slug tell you that i found the solution to your paperwork problem?

Tsunade:you brat we are talking about something else!

Naruto:and i want to change the subject for a moments please endulge me

*Tsunade rolled her eyes and huffed before her tick mark returned*

Tsunade:fine them tell me how you and i quote "found a way to free you from the shackles of paperwork and that you will feel like a complete an total idiot for never thinking about it"

Naruto:baachan, baachan, baachan you might want to get your sake reade because you are so not ready for what i have to tell you did you know that i can train with my shadow clones they can do the training with me and i get all the information and training benefits it comes with it? The side affects too but that's neither here nor there

Tsunade:no i didn't know that though that would explain how my grand uncle was able to become so strong

Naruto:yes it would now tell me can you learn shadow clones?

Tsunade:what kind of question is that of course i can

Naruto:well then why don't you learn  shadow clone justsu and make there clones do all the paperwork?

Tsunade:.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . OH YOU SON OF A....!!!!!

Meanwhile in the pure lands!!

*We see a number of things Minato on all 4 on his knees crying while Kushina laughed her ass off pointing at him*

Minato:why didn't I think of that, shadow clones was one of my main justsus!!

Kushina:buahahahhahahahaha oh....oh kami my sides i think I'm dying again!!

*Kushina kept laughing at him while hiruzen was in the fetal position rocking himself back a forwards crying like a baby*

Hiruzen:so many year my golden years all wasted!! Why why did i have to waste them!!!

*And finally we see the normally stoic  tobirama laughing on the ground, while his brother Hashirama was on top of him strangling him with nothing but fury and hatred in his eyes*


tobirama:i...i...i made that justsu specifically
To piss you off i can't believe i cannot believe the great Shinobi no Kami took him this long to notice this buahahahahha!!!


Back to the Shinobi world

With Naruto

*We see him walking to his compound he decided it would be best if he gave Tsunade some time to cool off*

Naruto: hm...i should really get Shizune something i did leave without telling her

*Naruto felt an arm hug his shoulder making him flinch and pale as he slowly turned his head as he saw a pissed off Shizune smiling at him*

Shizune:yes Naruto what will you give me to make up you leaving without so much as a goodbye?

Naruto:.  .  .this

*Naruto took Shizune by surprised kissing her In the middle of the streets, Shizune eyes widen as she blushed madly as Naruto let go of the kiss smiling at Shizune who started to ramble*

Naruto:that should give me at a least 15 second head start

*Naruto started to run for his life away from the poison specialist after 15 seconds Shizune shook her head gaining her senses again she looked at the dot that was Naruto and grew and angry smile still blushing*

Shizune:oh now you are really dead!!

*Shizune went running after him thinking of already more then 100 diffrent types of non lethal but extremely painful poisons to subject Naruto*

Meanwhile with Tsunade

*We see tsunade has finally calmed down some as a few of her clones cleaned up the room while one did the paperwork the original Tsunade was sitting down in her Hokage chair looking out to the mirror*

Tsunade:the next jounin exam will happen in 6 months i was gonna send only Shikamaru and lee do that should i add Naruto to that list

Shadow clone Tsunade:what kind of question is that? 9 of course you should even Jiraiya couldn't master sage mode and Naruto could do it in a week it would be a complete waste of his talent to not nurture it you would be no better then Kakashi and Jiraiya

*Tsunade sighed as she took a swing of her sake before coming to a decision*

Tsunade:then it's decided the only 3 going to the jounin exams will be Shikamaru Nara, Rock lee, and Naruto Uzumaki one of you get on that while i get another drink

*Tsunade said wobbly walking away*

To be continued or on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Ricardo Cano

Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi


José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Abhinav Puri

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy


Jameil fluker



For you're donations thanks again

a self-taught shinobi (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now