☆ Chapter 4

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Tawnysky's POV

Tawnysky woke up, blinking away sleep. Sunlight filtered through the nursery; it was greenleaf, the prey-rich season, the sunniest and warmest season by far.

She gazed down at her kits, seeing that her kits opened their eyes already. She gasped, her eyes widened.

Fallowfrost suddenly poked his head into the den. "I got you some pre-" he cut off as soon as he saw that his kits' eyes opened. He gasped, his eyes wide and the vole he dropped on the dusty, cool floor of the nursery.

"Our kits' eyes have opened!" Tawnysky cried. "Hazelkit's eyes are like mine; amber, Leafkit's eyes are blue, like you and..." she gasped. "Fawnkit's eyes are like Asterfall's eyes! She has one amber and one blue eye," Tawnysky mewed happily.

"It makes sense how Fawnkit has two different eyes; Asterfall is your littermate, so of course they'll have something from your family," Fallowfrost mewed, swiping his paw over his ear.

Tawnysky nodded. "That makes sense," she flicked her tail, then sighed. "Don't get me wrong, I love having my kits but I wish that I could be running out in the forest; hunting prey, climbing trees..."

Fallowfrost nodded. "I understand. Maybe when they're around a moon old, we can take them out into the forest with us, playing kit games."

"Yeah," Tawnysky stretched. "That would be nice."

The kits started mewling.

"I'd better feed them, then," Tawnysky sighed. She laid down, the kits stumbling towards her belly, until they started to suckle.

Fallowfrost picked up the vole, and moved it up to Tawnysky. "I'll help take care of those kits with you later, alright? For now, I have to go," he mewed gently.

"Where are you going?" Tawnysky meowed curiously.

"I'm going on my first hunting patrol! I'm excited, as i've always wanted to catch more birds; back in the Twolegplace, i'd only catch one bird." Fallowfrost's ear twitched.

The Twolegplace.. I'll miss it's peace.

"Fallowfrost! The patrol is leaving now; come on!" Russetleaf called.

"I'd better go; bye!" Fallowfrost trotted of the den; Tawnysky could sense his pawsteps leaving the hollow.

Tawnysky ate the vole quietly. She then licked her kits gently as they suckled.

I have still have so much to explore, and more Clanmates to meet.. but it's okay. These kits need someone to take care of them.

Tawnysky purred, as she saw the kits cuddling up together.

A few moments later, she saw Fallowfrost, Russetleaf, Leafpaw and Daisyfall with prey in their mouths.

Fallowfrost put his prey on the fresh-kill pile, and then walked over to the nursery, with Leafpaw behind him.

"Leafpaw wants to see the kits, is that okay?" Fallowfrost's blue eyes glittered in the filtered sunlight.

"Yeah, of course," Tawnysky meowed. They both came in, choosing a nest to sit in.

"The kits are so cute," Leafpaw meowed, gazing at the group of kits.

"I've heard from my littermate, Dawnpaw, that the kits should start talking in a few sunrises," Leafpaw explained.

Tawnysky's interest peaked. "Really? That's great! How's Dawnpaw's training going?"

Leafpaw took in a deep breath. "She's going great; she knows some herbs already, and she enjoys being a medicine cat. She has to wait until half-moon to become an actual medicine cat apprentice though. And medicine cat training takes a couple more moons, unlike warrior training."

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