☆ Chapter 3

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Tawnysky's POV

Tawnysky stretched, yawning. She felt the warm, newleaf air against her fur. She could tell it was close to greenleaf; the weather was just getting hotter. "Morning, Sorreltuft,"
she meowed, gazing at Sorreltuft as she blinked away sleep.

"Morning Tawnysky," Sorreltuft purred. "Today's the day my kits finally become apprentices! I'm so proud of them," she meowed happily.

"Woah! That's amazing! I'd love to mentor an apprentice," Tawnysky meowed excitedly. "Speaking of Clan things, I have to go talk to Amberstar about the Gathering," she meowed. "I'll be back, kits," she whispered quietly.

Tawnysky walked over to Amberstar. "Hey Amberstar, I was just wondering if I could go to the Gathering?" she mewed.

Amberstar shook her head. "Unfortunately, you can't with such little kits. You'll have to stay here; but you can come to the next Gathering."

Tawnysky felt disappointment all through her pelt. She'd joined the Clan at the right time, but because of her kits, she couldn't. Disappointment slowly melted into pure anger. Amberstar can go eat mouse-dung for all I care! I know my kits can't be left by themselves, but seriously!

"Alright, thank you," Tawnysky trotted away to the fresh-kill pile. She grabbed a mouse, and went to the nursery where Sorreltuft was.

"So, what did Amberstar say?" Sorreltuft meowed.

"She said no because my kits are 'too young' to be by themselves. I understand that, but I joined the Clan at the right time for me to just not be able to go." Tawnysky dug her claws into the ground angrily.

"It's okay, Tawnysky. You'll be going to the next Gathering anyway, won't you?" Sorreltuft asked.

"Yeah I wi-" Tawnysky was cut off by Amberstar's yowl. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!"

Tawnysky brang her kits with her. She sat next to Fallowfrost and Sorreltuft. Sorreltuft was grooming her kits, licking their fur. "You need to keep your fur clean for your ceremony!"

"It is time for an apprentice ceremony," Amberstar announced. "Dawnkit, Tawnykit and Oakkit, please step forward."

Tawnysky watched the three kits step forward. Dawnkit looked excited, Tawnykit looked confident but Oakkit looked nervous.

"First, Dawnkit." Amberstar took a deep breath before speaking up again. Dawnkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Dawnpaw. Your mentor will be Violetbreeze. I hope Violetbreeze will pass down all they know on to you," Amberstar meowed.

"Violetbreeze, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Morningshine, and you have shown yourself to be worthy of courage and dedication. You will be the mentor of Dawnpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Dawnpaw."

Violetbreeze dipped her head. "Of course, Amberstar. Thank you," she meowed, sitting down confidently.

"Dawnpaw! Dawnpaw! Dawnpaw!" Dawnpaw then walked over to Violetbreeze, touching her nose and then sitting next to her.

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