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Happiness! This term is so small to explain what the devil was feeling right now.

He's a father now! He and his Queen has a Son!

He can't ask for anything more!

Everyone was waiting for him to announce the news of his child. They all were waiting since so long and now it's time for Jungkook to show his son to everybody.

Everything is prepared, just Taehyung and his son needs to be here now.

In a blink of eye he disappeared and then appeared inside the room Taehyung was.

Taehyung was on bed with his son in his arm who was drinking his mother's milk from breast.

Taehyung was caressing his baby while feeding him when he saw his husband standing there.

Jungkook felt hungry at the sight. He has countless times sucked Tae's nipples but he just can't get over it.

Tae: don't even think!

Taehyung said sternly and Jungkook just nodded. Ofcourse his baby needs his food, it's okay he'll have his husband later.

He sat Infront of Taehyung and kissed on his lips..

Taehyung kissed back and they broke the kiss when the stopped drinking milk.

Taehyung zipped his dress and wiped his baby's mouth which had milk all over.

He softly Pecked all over his son's face and smiled. Jungkook cooed at it and kissed his son too..

Jungkook: Baby, come on get ready

Tae: hmm just give me ten minutes

Jungkook nodded

Taehyung handed his son to Jungkook and went to get changed.

Taehyung came back and Jungkook looked at him in confusion.

Taehyung was wearing black jeans with black T - Shirt and black jacket on it.

It was giving him a boyish look while Jungkook prefer a girly look on him more.

Jungkook: what are you wearing?

Tae: clothes

Jungkook: I gave you clothes... Why are you wearing these types of clothes?

Tae: what's wrong in them? I'm a boy and this is what suits me. Not that fucking gown! I'm not a girl Jungkook, how many times I've to tell you that?

Jungkook sighed!

He can't have an argument right now. They have an announcement to make, so he shrug it off and got up with his son in his arms.

Both of them went out and Taehyung took his baby back in his arms..

Jungkook was walking ahead when he saw that Taehyung wasn't following him. Infact his Queen was going to different direction.

Jungkook disappeared and then stood infront of Taehyung, stopping him.

Jungkook: where are you going? We have give announcement and show our baby to our people.

Tae ( smiled ): that's what I'm going to do Jungkook. I'm taking our baby to give announcement and show him to my people

The word "my people" made Jungkook more confused. Indeed everyone here is now Taehyung's subject but since when Taehyung take them as his own people?

Jungkook: you are going at the wrong way baby.... That's the right way!

Jungkook showed the direction they have to give and Taehyung shooked his head.

DEVIL'S POSSESSION Where stories live. Discover now