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Taehyung opened his eyes and again saw darkness. He remembered what he did and a panick filled his body.

Did he make it? Did he died or he survived? He looked at his own body and touched himself.

He can feel himself. He can feel that's he's breathing. His body parts are totally fine and there's not even a drop of blood on his body.

No! This can't happen! He can't survive! He should not!

He got up and looked here and there only to find that he's in a weird place. Where is he? It doesn't looks like any hospital. Is he perhaps again kidnapped?

No! Not again! His throat became dry at this and he started walking. He reached the door but it was locked. He knocked on it twice but no response.

He started banging the door with his full force but nobody came. He sighed and falled on his knees hopelessly.

Now where is he and who took him here?

He was trying to figure it out when someone opened the door from outside making the door hit on his back.

He felt pain. Again! He's definately alive!

??: Oh - I didn't knew you were sitting here

Taehyung turned and looked at the male who was looking so...... Funny!

A mid height male was standing at the door wearing a black thingy cloth. He was kind of cute but creepy at the same.

??: I'm Min Jimin and I'm king's younger brother.

Tae looked at Jimin in confusion

Tae: what did you just said?

Jimin: I'm Min Jimin and I'm the king's younger brother.

Tae got up and went towards jimin who was looking at Taehyung with confused face too.

Tae: y - you are king's Younger brother?

Jimin nodded

Tae: you people have a king here?

Jimin nodded

Tae: where the hell am I? And how I came here?

Jimin: what? You're in hell -

Tae: but I was suppose to be dead -

Jimin: that's what you are!

Both of them fell silent. Taehyung widen his eyes in realisation. He's in hell? It means he's dead!

Yes, he's dead. He's finally dead! But why he's in hell? Wasn't he suppose to be in Heaven?

That's what he heard. If a person do good deeds then he goes to heaven and if he do sin then he goes to hell. Why he's here? He didn't did anything?

Tae: I'm in hell?

Jimin nodded

Tae: this is hell?

Jimin again nodded

Tae: but why?

Jimin: because - wait what? What why? You're dead and either people go to hell or heaven and you're in hell

Tae: that's what I'm asking. Why am I in hell?

Jimin: because you did sin in your life

Tae looked at Jimin with "are you serious" look.

Tae: what I did? I did nothing!

Jimin: that's not for you to decide. It's on kind to decide! And you're here it mean you deserve this place. Now come on get up. The king is waiting.

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