Chapter 14: An Absurd Proposal

Start from the beginning

Hinata; Who are you?

Toneri Ōtsutsuki: I am Toneri. These clones you're seeing here are mine. I know of you Hinata Hyuuga like I know your clan. My clan will ensure your offshoot clan's reign is short lived and it will be the end of the Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Hinata: You will find that difficult because we will stop them and we will stop you.

Toneri: Your entire family said those words to me. They were wrong too.

Hinata: (cracking) What did you do to them?

Toneri: Merely kept them under lock and key. Your sister and cousin that is. None of your family stood a leaf's chance.

Hinata: Where are they?

Toneri: Come with me and see for yourself. I'll be waiting at the New Moon Castle.

Hinata: I refuse!

Toneri: I'd figured you'd say that. Regardless, your pathetic team will not stand against my army. I'll be seeing you.

Toneri rode on some floating carriage and flew away, leaving both teams to deal with the White Zetsu army.

Teams JNNPR and RHWBY engaged the zetzu clones and while the latter had the numbers, the former made it up with skills and advanced weaponry and training. The bigger ones turned out to be a problem but Team RWBY's teamwork managed to take the monstrosities.

Team JNNPR had their fair share of kills though Naruto and Nora took the lion share of the kills with their Area of Effect attacks.

Ren: Naruto, there are those white guys trying to infect the people.

Naruto: Make sure NONE of them do so and when they do, knock them out.

Sadly there are about 30 people infected and Team JNNPR were forced to hold back and try to knock them out which they did but in doing so, drained their aura in defense.

One of the zetsus sneak attacked Jaune.

Jaune: Those weird white guys got me!

Naruto: This will hurt. A lot. (uses fire spell on Jaune burning it but also singed his skin)

Naruto: Pyrrha, get Jaune out of here! (Pyrrha nods and drags Jaune away from the battlefield)

Ren: There's too many of them!

Nora: Good! Meaning I won't miss!

Naruto: How's your team holding up Hinata?

Hinata: Blake is down, Weiss is low on Aura and Ruby and Yang are tired.

Naruto: The enemy's numbers are dwindling. Let's keep fighting.

Ruby: Take THIS! (kills scores of zetsus with her scythe)

Yang: There's only fifteen left! Let's keep it up!

The zetsu army is ultimately defeated but came a high price. The docks were reduced to ruin and the some of the people infected by zetsus were reduced to mindless zombies. Then the police came.

Vale police: Explain this mess you created.

Naruto: We didn't make it but you guys are happy to clean it after we contained it.

Vale police: (sighs) Fine. Thanks students. You prevented an invasion. I just received a call from your headmaster that you should return to you school immediately. We'll handle things from here.

Hinata: Our thanks sir.

Everyone went back to the Beacon via Bullhead. Jaune and Blake had to be checked in at the infirmary while the rest of the teams went to the Headmaster's office.

Ozpin: It seems that judging by your description that our new enemy isn't like anything Huntsmen and Huntresses have ever known. This is troubling.

Jaune: Their leader claimed to have stopped Hinata's clan and wanted to 'put an end to Huntsmen and Huntresses'.

Ozpin: So it's an invasion then. I haven't heard from the Professor from Haven which is disturbing. I shall convene with the council and the other Headmasters about this. You are dismissed.

In Team RHWBY's dorm, they were worried that their supreme leader has been unusually quiet and brooding.

Ruby: Hinata, are you okay.

Hinata: I am well. Why are you asking?

Weiss: You have been disturbed since that Toneri announced he kidnapped your family.

Hinata: You must mean what's left of it. Usually I try not to take the lives of men but if he so much as places a finger out of my sister's eyes, he's going to die.

Team RWBY shivered at the dark tone used from the normally gentle woman.

Hinata: Ruby, you shall be acting leader in my stead.

Blake: Do you need help?

Hinata: No, I'm doing this alone. I cannot risk any of you missing any assignments or tests.

Yang: What excuse can we make when you're absent?

Hinata: Say that I'm making a field trip or buying something for my gear or just be honest and say that I am going to rescue my family.

Yang: They'll accept that third excuse when we tell them the whole story.

Ruby: We all heard what that Toneri said to you, Hinata. We can cover for you.

Hinata: Thank you. Now I shall be off.

RWBY: Good luck!

Hinata nodded to them and left the dorm. As she was heading towards the entrance out of Beacon, she noticed Naruto standing there.

Hinata: You should be with your team.

Naruto: They can manage without me. Still had to look after Jaune.

Hinata: You do realize that we'll both be in trouble for this.

Naruto: Don't care about that. I still want to help you.

Hinata: This will be dangerous for you.

Naruto: I wasn't asking. I AM coming with you.

Hinata saw Naruto's eyes had steel in them and that refusing is impossible. She just sighed and nodded. They both left Beacon together.

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