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Sorry Guys it's been a while, but I'm back had schoolwork and stuff but look at that 20K reads that's for the support I'll try my best to keep working on this and I'm now creating a new oneshot since I got into Naruto and my favorite is Kakashi already the new oneshot is a Naruto one, so any Naruto lovers or anime lovers out prepare for that. but Thanks for the reads and I look forward on making more but the week after next week on the 28th I won't be posting anything because I'll be spending time with my fam and if you are wonder why the 28th well it's a death anniversary for my brother who died last year on the date, so I want to spend time with them since I'm still mentally and physically not don't ok but I'm get through it. 

Thanks again for the reads and support and I'll see you soon bye~ <3

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