How they almost burn down your house

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Finney: He want to make you cake for being the best partner ever but set the cake on fire instead which you had to put out before it spread to your whole house.

Robin: He lit some candles for date night and left a window open and your curtain caught on fire which put you in panic mode and get you fire extinguisher from your bathroom to put it out

Bruce: He's too good at cooking he couldn't set anything on fire. you were so wrong because he go distracted and set the food for breakfast on fire which you had to turn off the stove and put the pan in the sink and turn the tap on to put out the fire

Vance: You don't let him even step foot in your kitchen after you seen him do which was try an bake I'm guessing and he set a few things on fire which you had to put out because of him

Billy: This boy is too scared of the knifes in your kitchen he doesn't go in there unless it for snacks or drinks but he doesn't touch anything else and you plan to keep it that way

Griffin: You tried teaching him to make his favourite cake but he didn't watch the oven and it got set a light and he was so looking forward to eating it too after the fire got put out

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